What are our Stow Rate Goal
Name the 3 ways errors could be made on IDS
Stowed but not scanned, Masterpacks, and broken sets
What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective Equipment
What does TOT stand for?
Time Off Task
What is the difference between UPT, PTO, and vacation time?
UPT is unpaid, PTO is paid time and do not require a manager's approval, Vacation requires to be submitted 24 hours in advance to be approved.
What is our target cycle time?
9 seconds
What does ROBOTS stand for?
Right sized bin, No overhang, No Blocking, No overstuffing, Titles facing out, similar asins/stacking
What must everyone be wearing when crossing a PIT lane?
A high visibility vest
What does it mean if you're time off task?
What holidays do we get paid for?
New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day
How many containers can you sign into?
10 containers
What is a masterpack?
What is the most common injuries in stow?
Improper bending/twisting
What time is included in TOT?
Every minute not stowing after 7:10, every extra minute after the grace period for breaks, and breaks in your time (trips to the bathroom, water fountain, HR, amcare).
Who are the Managers on FHN?
Daniyal, Michelle and Sean
What pattern should you follow as you stow?
z pattern
What does the magenta lights mean?
Do not stow into them
What safety violation can lead to termination in stow?
Stepping into the AR field
What happens if you are 2 hours TOT?
What are the scheduled clock in/clock out times?
5:55 (earliest), 11:00, 11:30, and 4:30
What is the difference between your adapt percentage and PPR rate?
PPR shows your rate while adapt percentage shows your comparison to other stowers
What happens when you stow similar items in the same bin? or same item in adjacent bins?
Can cause pick errors down stream
What is the procedure for a fire drill?
Closest emergency exist, go to the rally points, wait for roll call
Exempted from learning new roles, transferring and tier 3 promotions
What does FIFO stand for and why is it important?
First in first out