Campus History
Time for Tania
Crack-a-lack 'in with Chris
Minutes with Mike

These dorm halls have AC.

What is Kirkland & Haake

The oldest building on campus, this building used to be part of our original teaching college

What is Phelps?


This is her favorite color that she wears almost every day.

What is Pink?


Chris and his wife's fur baby is named after a famous player on Chris' favorite sports team.

Who is Crosby?


This town is were Mike grew up and attended college in.

What is Winona?


This is included along with a bed frame, desk, dresser, and desk chair

What is a mattress?


This major was the next major added in the 1900s after becoming a successful teaching college.

What is Business?


Tania is currently the director of Admissions but before that she worked in this department.

What is the Warrior Hub?


In college at the UWL Chris was a tour guide with this prestigious club. 

What is the Vanguard?


Mike during his college years struggled with one subject and continues with

What is Calculas?


When considering options of what you can check out at the front desk, these items are more commonly checked out when the student gets bored of eating in the dinning hall.

What is kitchen supplies?


This team was the first school sanctioned team to win a national championship.

What is the Women's Gymnastics Team?


This country is where Tania is a first generation immigrant.

What is Germany?


This is something that Chris himself has said he enjoys doing. A lot of times it is on his drive to and from Winona. Welcome to Chris' guilty pleasure.

What is T Swizzle listening?


During his high school years Mike ran track and competed in this event which he now coaches.

What is high jump?


"Man, I am taking a May term class and I have no idea where I will sleep"

Where is Sheehan?


This was Winona State University's name before it was finalized with the name we know today.

What is The First Normal School in Minnesota?


This activity is something Tania finds joy in. She also finds that she is pretty good at it

What is Cooking?

At UWL Chris graduated with this degree. A degree that is shared by many in the admissions office.

What is Political Science?


When in school Mike was apart of what club on campus that he thought was very fun.

What is no clubs?


This building is the oldest dorm on campus and currently is co-inhabited by both males and females.

What is Morey-Shepard?


The Winona State Warriors almost didn't happen. This animal was almost chosen instead of the beloved Warrior Wazoo.

What is a Warewolf?


Tania earned this title growing up in the United States.

What is Ms. German America?


This band Chris brags that he is in the 0.4% top listeners on his Spotify account.

What is The Lumineers?


This is a unique guilty pleasure the Mike has admitted to wanting.

What Mowing Grass?