Basic 5 Freedoms
Held Crimes
Amendment 6
ANY Amendment
2/14/15/26/27 Amendments

I have the freedom to believe in any religion I want what basic freedom is this ?

Freedom Of Religion


I want to know the crime I committed I have that right and I wanna know what part of the 5th amendment is this ?

Habeas Corous


I went to jail and the next day I had my trial / My friend Tyler went to jail and his trial was 3 months away. What part of the 6th amendment prohibits this ?

Right To Speedy Trial


I am black and have right to vote ? What amendment makes this right ?



Any Black person in the world 18 or older has the right to vote What amendment ?



We want more pay so as a collective group we get a signing list going for more pay what freedom is this ?

Freedom Of Petition


I got charged with a crime I didn't do I beat the case and the lawyer trying to claim I did it said I want to have another trial. Which part of the 5th amendment prohibits this ?

Double Jeopardy


The jury cant base a decision on you based on how you look or something like that what part of the 6th amendment makes sure of that ?

Impartial Jury


I am 18 and the person in charge of the voting polls said I can't vote What amendment made it legal for 18 years old to vote ?



I own 15 shotguns and the cops had a search warrant and they arrested me for having guns that were registered What amendment makes this unconstitutional ?



I can post on instagram I who I think is a better president and say anything I want that a president is better than the other what freedom is this ?

Freedom Of Press


I paid my taxes a day late the government said they are taking my house what part of the 5th amendment prohibits this ?

Eminent Domain


GMK got arrested and they said if he cant afford an attorney he will go to jail. Which part of the 6th amendment gives him a right to an attorney ?

Legal Counsel


The cops arrest me because I have a gun on me in the car when I was driving. What right does this violate ?

2nd (Right To Bear Arms)

My parents are from Africa and England but I was born in the United States I was a citizen since I was born What amendment makes this true ?



I wasn't getting paid enough at work so I got all the Co-Workers who thought the same thing went on strike what freedom is this ?

Freedom Of Assembly

Ksoo didn't commit the crime but he just said he did the crime so they would stop asking what part of the 5th amendment prohibits this ?

Self Incrimination 


I want my witnesses how do they get em but I don't I want my witnesses What part of the 6th amendment gives him that ?

Confrontation Of Witnesses


Gabe was playing music loud in his garage and got a complaint and the cops arrived and search his garage What right does this violate ?

4th (Search and Seizure)


The congress can pay themselves as much money as they want what amendment makes this unconstitutional ?



Im Black and I can go to Trumps Talk and Say BLM as many times as I want without going to jail what freedom is this ?

Freedom Of Speech


They cannot take my property and life and liberty without going through the court system what part of the 5th amendment is this ?

Due Process


Backstreet Tk went to jail and he had his trial within 3 days / Yungeen Ace went to jail and he had his trial in 5 months. Yungeen Ace said thats against his rights what part of the 6th amendment was unconstitutional ?

Right To Speedy Trail


This is not fair th Congress gets to pay themselves as much money as they want ? What amendment makes this illegal ?



I was born in the US and I just turned 18 I am black and I want to vote for a president what amendment gave me the right to vote ?
