Outline of Florida's Constitutional Amendments
Amendment 1
Amendment 2
Amendment 3
Amendment 4

Our current constitution, ratified in 1968, has been amended _____ times-most recently in 2020.



What is Amendment 1?

Establishing School Board Elections As Partisan


What is Amendment 2?

Establishing a State Constitutional Right to Hunt and Fish


What is Amendment 3?

Recreational Marijuana Legalization


What is Amendment 4? 

 Rights to Abortions


There are five ways to get a proposed amendment on the statewide ballot, they are...

1) Joint resolution by the Florida Legislature

2) Florida Constitution Revision Commission

3) Citizen's Initiative

4) Constitutional Convention

5) Florida Taxation and Budget Reform Commission


If you vote YES for Amendment 1, you are voting for

The state constitution currently requires that school board elections remain nonpartisan. Candidates for school board seats cannot run under party affiliation (Republic, Democrat, Libertarian, etc.) and instead must run with no party affiliation. A yes vote would overturn this requirement and allow parties to nominate their own candidates for these elections and permit candidates to have their political affiliation listed on the ballot. 


If you vote no, you are voting for?

A no vote means that the state legislature can more easily place restrictions on Floridian's hunting and fishing activities. Such restrictions would likely be part of an effort to conserve various wildlife species or areas.


What is the ballot language?

“Allows adults 21 years or older to possess, purchase, or use marijuana products and marijuana accessories for non-medical personal consumption by smoking, ingestion, or otherwise; allows Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers, and other state licensed entities, to acquire, cultivate, process, manufacture, sell, and distribute such products and accessories.”


How did this amendment reach the ballot?



For the 2024 election cycle, there are how many amendments on the ballot?



What are some Pros to this amendment?

Voters are entitled to more information about their candidates.

Allows Voters to learn more about the potential school board members priorities, as well as what the candidates are likely to do while in office. 


What are some Pros of Amendment 2?

A right to hunt or fish would make it substantially more difficult for attempts by the state to ban or restrict the hunting or fishing of species of animals. It would protect individuals’ rights to gaming and sporting how they wish (in line with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s authority) and enshrine these activities, which play an important role in the traditions and economics of the state.


How did this amendment react the ballot?



A yes vote on amendment 4 mean?

A yes vote would legalize abortion in the state of Florida before the period of fetal viability or when a healthcare provider deems it necessary for the safety of a mother. Fetal viability, or when a baby is estimated to be able to survive outside of the mother’s uterus, is generally assumed to be around 24 weeks into pregnancy


Repealing any amendment that has passed would require a new ballot initiative  garnering __% of the vote in a subsequent election.



What are the Cons of this amendment?

Opponents argue that school boards should remain as apolitical as possible.


What's the constitutional merit for amendment 2?

This measure is not a reform that can be addressed by the State Legislature and thus requires a constitutional ballot initiative in order to be implemented.


A yes vote on amendment 3 means?

A yes vote would legalize marijuana consumption in the state of Florida for non-medical purposes, including recreation. This legalization enables personal consumption and private cultivation of marijuana for sale, requiring a state license to do so. It allows those 21 and older to purchase and consume cannabis without a doctor’s recommendation. The proposal would also remove criminal or civil penalties for adults over 21 who possess and use up to three ounces of cannabis for personal use and allow marijuana dispensaries and other state licensed entities to “acquire, cultivate, process, manufacture, sell, and distribute” cannabis products and accessories.


What are the pros to amendment 4?

Supporters argue that such a ballot measure is crucial to guarantee Floridians’ right to an abortion, as state amendments are far more difficult to overturn than a legislature’s decision on the matter. Limited abortion access is currently offered to Floridians, but many supporters of this amendment see its passage as a way to expand and protect that right.


When is Election Day?

November 5th


Summarize Amendment 1

This Amendment to the Florida Constitution would require that district school board candidates run under a specific party affiliation. 


Summarize Amendment 2

A constitutionally-protected right to hunt or fish would make it substantially more difficult for attempts by the state to ban or restrict the hunting or fishing of species of animals.


Summarize Amendment 3

The Florida Constitution currently allows marijuana consumption and sale for medical purposes only, typically as a treatment for chronic illnesses. While recreational legalization could create substantial tax benefits, the cost should be weighed against the possible public health problems (and costs) such a measure may exacerbate. If the amendment passes, it will go into effect six months after the election.


What is the constitutional Merit?

This measure can be enacted in statute by the Florida Legislature. It does not require a constitutional amendment to change current law.