13th Amendment
11th Amendment
12th Amendment
The Constitution
10th State Rights

What was abolished in the 13th Amendment?

What is Slavery?


Prohibits the federal courts from hearing certain _____ against states

What is a Lawsuit?


What does the 12th Amendment Elect?

What is the President and Vice President?


What does the Constitution guide to set some laws for it

What is a country, state, or nation


The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the what

What is the States?


Who made the 13th Amendment

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


The Amendment has been interpreted to mean that state courts do not have to hear certain suits against the state, if those suits are based on what

What is federal law?


To become President you have to have what amount to become it?

What is votes?


The Constitution created these 3 branches to set up a check and balances

What is a legislative, executive and judicial branch?


When was the 10th Amendment made

What is 1791?


What year was the 13th Amendment passed by congress and ended slavery

What is 1865?


What year was the 11th amendment passed by congress

What is 1794?


General elections for the state, entity and cantonal parliaments take place on the same date every

What is Four years?


"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity." The person who said this was

Who is Gouverneur Morris?


What did the 10th Amendment made limited and solved

What is Federal power?


Which states voted against the 13th Amendment?

What is Delaware and New Jersey?


The Eleventh Amendment was proposed by 

What is the 3rd Congress?


This amendment was proposed by Congress on December 9, 1803, and was ratified by the requisite _______ of state legislatures on June 15, 1804. 

What is three-fourths?


to create a government with enough power to act on a national level, but without so much power that fundamental rights would be at what

What is Risk?


the 10th amendment deals with the relationship between

What is Federal and state governments?


Even though the 13th Amendment abolished slavery, what type of slavery did it actually ended?

What is Chattel Slavery?


What two states were against each other in the lawsuit in 1793

What is Chisholm vs. Georgia?


the House of Representatives would hold a contingent election to select the president. In cases where multiple candidates tied for the second-most votes, who would hold a contingent election to select the vice president.

What is the Senate?


What 3 sections is the Constitution divided into

What is Preamble, seven articles, and 27 amendments?


In the 1990s, the Court changed course again, holding in New York v. United States that the Tenth Amendment prohibits Congress from what the states

What is commandeering?