The date of the attack on the World Trade Center
what is 9/11?
What is the most popular fast food chain
The main animal Native Americans hunted?
Shouts, Tall, University grad, Memes
Who is KD
Pearl Harbor
What attack led to Usa Joining the war/ The naval base that was attackted by Japan
A way of life, where you are always moving
Violent, beard
Who is Anders Rønn
They bought states from other nations or won fights
52% of Americans are this religion
What is a Protestant Christian
Seven million Indians
The population of native americans when the first europeans arrived
The perfect Principle
Who is KO
Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., Claudette Colvin
Who were important people for the civil rights movement?
The hole was used to let smoke out
Why was there a hole at the top of a teepee
The only german teacher in the school
How many were killed in the Civil War
The second ammendment
Why americans are allowed to have guns?
What is a Native American shoe
Whos is Peter J/B, Anders Rønn, Søren A