World War 2
The Roaring 20's
The Great Depression
American Culture
Just Random America Stuff
This democratically elected German politician led Germany to invade its neighboring countries, provoking war with others including France and England.
Who is "Adolf Hitler."
This was the name of a young woman who began to defy people's expectations for women's behavior in the '20s.
What is a "flapper."
The great depression began when this thing had a catastrophic crash.
What is the "Stock Market."
This style of music was popular with the youth in the 1920s and was frequently played at special clubs across the country.
What is "Jazz."
This "Model 4" Medium Tank was named after a general whose name is forever linked to southern devastation.
What is the "M4 Sherman Tank."
The bombing of this location encouraged the U.S. entry into World War II.
What is "Pearl Harbor."
President Harding's presidency will forever be associated with corruption thanks to this event.
What is the "Teapot-Dome Scandal."
This was the president who was in office during the start of the Great Depression.
Who is "Herbert Hoover."
This composer and pianist led an orchestra in the 1920s and would go on to become one of America's most famous stars of all time.
Who is "Duke Ellington."
The so-called "Greatest Show On Earth" was created when these two circus shows officially combined to create one enormous show. (200 points each.)
What is "Ringling Brothers" and "Barnum and Bailey."
This president declared victory over japan in September of 1945.
Who is "Harry Truman."
This writer's best remembered novel was about a magnificent man named "Gatsby" who threw parties in order to try to find the woman he loved.
What is "The Great Gatsby."
This was the series of programs created by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in order to provide jobs and money to U.S. citizens during the depression.
What is the "New Deal."
An early American film, this '20's flick recounted the tale of a doctor with a severely violent case of split personality disorder.
What is "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde."
The first "v-16" engine to be released in a car was done so by this enormous company whose name refers to a famous French explorer and the founder of Detroit.
What is "Cadillac."
This suicidal tactic of airplane pilots means "divine wind" in its original language and was responsible for the damage or destruction of hundreds of naval ships.
What is "Kamikaze."
This was Ernest Hemingway's look at a generation of young people coming to terms with their lives and witnessing the bullfights and running of the bulls in Spain.
What is "The Sun Also Rises."
This term refers to a group of shacks constructed from makeshift material and is named for an unpopular president who was blamed for the depression.
What are "hoovervilles."
This female singer died at the young age of 44, due officially to "pneumonia" but likely complicated by the high-tension lifestyle led by performers in the 20s and 30s.
Who is "Billie Holiday."
This disease, from which president FDR suffered, saw an enormous epidemic in 1949 which killed more than 2,000 Americans.
What is "Polio."
The landing at this location would later come to be known as "D-Day" and would mark the beginning of Germany's defeat.
What is "Normandy."
This was the name for a location that illegally served alcohol during the age of prohibition.
What is a "Speakeasy."
This was a loan made to the government that could be purchased by citizens and whose value increased over time. These helped fund World War 2 and, in the long run, gave U.S. citizens lots of money.
What are "War Bonds."
This film, released in 1915, inspired the rebirth of the "KKK" and portrayed southerners as defenders against foreigners and black Americans.
What is "Birth of a Nation."
In this event, an entire west coast city believed that they were being attacked by a UFO and mobilized the army to combat it. The event remains unexplained to this day.
What is "The Battle of Los Angeles."