Famous Americans
Achievements Ingenuity
America... Yeah!
Fun Facts

On July 21st, 1969 during Apollo 11 this Purdue University graduate became the first man to ever walk on the moon.  One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. 

Neil Armstrong


In 1896 this famous American founded The Ford Motor company in Detroit, Michigan.

Henry Ford


The 1st Colonial Flag for the United States of America has this 13 stars, and this many stripes?



The Lincoln Memorial was named after this man.  The Memorial sits across the US Capitol in the National Mall in Washington DC.

Abraham Lincoln


In 1803 the United States purchased 828,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for 15 million from France.... better known as ....?

The Louisiana Purchase


This man led the Manhattan Project in Alamogordo, New Mexico to develop a nuclear bomb.  The first bomb was tested on July 16th, 1945.

Robert Oppenheimer


In 1903 these brothers created the first successful powered airplane in Kitty Hawk, NC.

Orville and Wilbur Wright


This mountain, named after a former American President, is located in Denali, Alaska and is the highest point of elevation in The United States of America at 20,310 above sea level.

Mount McKinley


This monument was designed y French Sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, and was a gift from France as a symbol of what America stands for.  It sits in New York Harbor.

Statue of Liberty


Americans consume more than 100 acres of this food every day.


This famous American has sold many records domestically, but has sold over 500 million records abroad.  The most any American musician.

Michael Jackson


In 1879 this famous American made the incandescent light bulb that burned long enough for practical everyday use.  

Thomas Edison


This man is most famous for his "Midnight Ride" on horseback to warn colonials that "The British are coming"

Paul Revere

In 1991, this National Monument located in Montana was renamed from Custer Field to this name.

Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument

The United States consists of 50 states.  This state is the largest state in the union by square footage.



On May 6th, 1904 President Theodore Roosevelt commissioned the construction of this famous landmark that connected the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.  

The Panama Canal


On March 7th 1876 this man was granted US Patent 174465A for a method of transmitting speech by telegraphy.... the telephone.  

Alexander Graham Bell


The Badwater Basin is the lowest point of land in The United States of America, at 282 ft below seal level.  It is located in this National Park.  The WWE Superstar, The Undertaker was born and raised here.

Death Valley National Park


This monument located in the National Mall in Washington DC was built in 1848 to commemorate George Washington as our founding father, Commander in Chief of the Continental Army, and 1st President of the United States.

The Washington Monument


On August 21st, 1959 this state became the 50th state of the United States of America.



On April 3rd, 1973 Martin Cooper of Motorola made the first demonstration using this item.  The first version of this invention weighed 4.4lbs.

The Cell Phone


On the fifth day, God created man, but in 1831 this man made sure all men are truly equal with the invention of the revolving cylinder handgun.  

Samuel Colt


Benjamin Tallmadge had a important role during the American Revolutionary War and lead this group as the Head of Military Intelligence, reporting directly to George Washington.  The group was based out of Setauket Long Island.  A TV show "Turn" was made about this group on AMC in 2014.

The Culper Spy Ring


This monument marks the resting place of 1,102 sailors that were killed on this battleship on the morning of December 7th, 1941.

The USS Arizona

In election years politicians often talk about saving, and protecting our democracy.  This is ironic, since The United States is not a democracy, but this form of government.
A Constitutional Republic