Geography is he study of
Earth and it's people
The term location refers to a _____________ place
Studying human-environment interaction allows geographers to explore the
relation between people and the environment.
In the themes of movement,we study how people, and _____________ ideas move
The theme of place refers to how we describe what a ______ is like
The themes of geography serve as a framework to aid our understanding of the world around us. True or False
_______ ________ tells us were something is in relation to something else
Relative location
It includes how people depend on, modify, and
adapt to the environment.
Sometimes people choose to move because there are better jobs, more freedom, or __________ _______________
different resources
Each place has a different physical characteristics that are a part of its ____________ environment
The themes of geography are location ,place, human-environment interaction,movement,and
What Oceans are around North America?
Atlantic,Pacific,and Arctic
people need food, shelter and
Throughout history, people ________new places for various reasons
a places human characteristics come from human ideas and interactions that people have their _______
These include maps, globes, graphs, diagrams, aerial and other photographs ,
and other geographical representations.
The absolute location of a place is
its exact location
People build homes, schools, and roads to meet their needs for shelter, education, and
They explored to find resources, spread religion, or expand their ______
A places human characteristics include the political boundaries of states, cities , and _____
A geographer is a scientists who thinks about how people live and work in their
Cartographers are people who
create maps
The environment can affect the kinds of clothes people wear, the jobs they have, and
the food they eat.
migration is one of the ways people, ideas, and ________________ move
characteristics also include buildings, _______, homes, and other manmade features of a place.