The Earliest
Native American Cultures
Trading Kingdoms of West Africa
Europe Before

Paleo-Indians migrated to the Americas during the Ice Age by crossing a ________ between continents.

What is a strip of land? (Beringia)


The Anasazi built kivas, or underground roms, that were used for what? 

What are religious ceremonies?


Mansa Musa traveled to _______ on a spiritual journey, and along the way, he introduced his empire to the world. 

What is Mecca?


Which invention helped spread new ideas during the Renaissance? 

What is the printing press?


Which feature of the Ice Age allowed Paleo-Indians to migrate to the Americas? 

What is sea levels dropped 300ft and exposed a land bridge?


Who was the earliest-known civilization in the Americas that built the first pyramids on the continent and expanded their regional influence through trade? 

Who are The Olmec?


What different types of housing were built by the Anasazi?

What arePit houses, stacked pueblos, and cliff dwellings?


The empire of Ghana gained enormous wealth by doing what? 

What is controlling the gold and salt trade?


What does the term Renaissance mean? 

What is a rebirth?


Why was the printing press critical to the spread of new ideas? 

What is Thousands of people could read and discuss the same books/more books available?


This was how the first peoples arrived to the Americas.

What is by foot through the narrow strip of land connecting present-day Russia and Alaska?

(Bering Land Bridge)


How did Native Americans view land ownership?

What is Individuals did not own land. Land was available for all to use?


How did Ghana's rulers make money from the traders passing through their kingdom? 

What is they taxed the traders?


What was the relationship/agreement between lords and vassals under the feudal system? 

Lords gave land to vassals in exchane for loyalty and military service? 


What is the difference between a direct democracy and a republic? 

What is in a direct democracy, all citizens vote to decide issues and participate in government; in a republic, citizens elect representatives to govern them?


What factors caused early peoples in the Americas to move from north to south? 

As hunter-gatherers, Paleo-Indians followed herds of animals for food and other resources. The warmer climates that followed the end of the Ice Age led to new environements that supported many plants and animals. Overtime Paleo-Indians moved south for the abundance of plant and animal life in these environments. 


Why did some Native American groups build mounds? 

What are some Native American groups built mounds to bury and honor their dead. These burial mounds were used for religious cermonies?


Which resource do you think was most valuable to Ghana, gold or salt? Why? 

Possible answers: gold, because Ghana had a lot of gold and people valued its beauty; Salt, because it was used to preserve and season food and people needed it for survival. 


Which type of government developed during the Greek Classical Period? (Must explain how it works)

What is a democracy, in which citizens rule themselves?


Why do you think some mounds were built in the shape of birds and snakes? 

Ex. Had religiou or cultural significance to the group of Native Americans


Which early Mesoamerican or South American civilization do you think was the most highly developed? (Must provide details to support your answer)

Ex. The Inca were highly developed. They built a system of paved roads and suspension bridges to connect all parts of their empire. The Inca invented the quipu, which was a system of knotted strings that could be used to keep records. 


How did environment influence the culture of Native Americans living in different regions? (Must provide details to support you answer)

The environment influenced food sources and hosuing. Ex. In the far nothern region of N. America, Arctic conditions, such as frozen soil, were not good for farming, so people survived by fishing and hunting mammals. Lacking other natural building materials, they used snow and ice to make igloos and animalhides to make huts.


These were the 3 West African Trading Kingdoms.

What were the Mali, Songhai, and Ghana? 


Why were the crusades significant to the future of Europe?

What is trade between Europe and Asia grew, and Europeans were exposed to Muslim ideas and products brought back by Crusaders?


What role did nature play in the religious ideas of Native Americans? 

Native American religious beliefs were strongly tied to nature. In some belief systems, a tree was at the center of the earth. In many blelief systems, animals were powerful spirits.