What was the spark that started WW1?
The assassination on Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
Was Wilson's 14 points chosen or the Treaty of Versailles?
Who took over the common jobs when the men went to war?
What does imperialism mean?
The act of extending a country's power into other territories.
A U.S. Naval officer that forced Japan to enter into trade.
What did President Woodrow Wilson promise during his re-election?
He promised that the U.S. would stay neutral
What was the war guilt clause?
It forced Germany to accept responsibility for WW1.
How did the U.S government restrict food consumption?
Americans were forced to reduce the amount of food that they were consuming.
What did the Open Door Policy do?
It created equal trade for all countries trading with China.
How did imperialism affect China?
It brought revolutions and uprisings.
The sinking of neutral ships.
What did the Treaty of Versailles do?
It punished Germany and made them take responsibility for the war.
What was the Espionage Act?
It punished anyone trying to get information that could harm the United States.
What was the goal of Dollar Diplomacy?
To improve economic opportunities.
It improved their trade and industrialization.
What does M.A.I.N. stand for?
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism.
What was the goal of Wilson's 14 points?
To create worldwide peace and stronger bonds between nations.
What was the sedition act?
It punished anyone that was considered to be harmful towards the war effort.
What is the meaning of Manifest Destiny?
The idea that Americans were destined to travel north and settle.
What was the Boxer Rebellion?
It was an uprising against foreigners that aimed to get control of China back.
Why did Russia withdrawal from the war?
The Russian civil war broke out leading to Russia's withdrawal from the war.
How were German territories affected by the Treaty of Versailles?
Germany was forced to give up control of their colonies to other countries temporarily.
Why was there a restriction placed on freedom of speech during the war?
The U.S. government was worried about anything negative being said about the war effort.
What is the name of the idea that one race or culture is superior to another?
Social Darwinism.
How did the Open Door Policy affect trade?
It made it more equal for countries to trade with China.