What made plowing fields easier for farmers?
Steel Plow
Who came up with the Missouri Compromise?
Henry Clay
What was the western boarder of the US before the Louisiana Purchase?
The Mississippi River
What was the purpose of Henry Clay's American Plan?
Pay off the war debt of the War of 1812
A forceful or negative factor that causes people to migrate to another place
Steam Engines
Was Missouri a slave or free state?
What information does a compass rose give?
Directions, N, E, S, W, NE, SE, SW, NW
What was the purpose of the Conestoga Wagon?
To hauls large loads
Famine is a type of push or pull factor?
Invented by Eli Whitney, this made the removal of cotton seeds easier
The cotton gin
What other state joined the union at the same time as Missouri?
It provides distance measures
The Conestoga wagon was eventually modified to what type of wagon that was lighter and more practical?
The Prairie Schooner
When someone leaves a place for something better like a new job or more land, this is called a _____ factor.
When the cotton industry expanded, plantations grew, but this meant more what?
enslaved men and women to work the cotton fields
Was Maine a free state or a slave state?
What mountain range is to the west of the Louisian Purchase?
Rocky Mountains
Which wagon was the most common used by the pioneers?
The Prairie schooner
When someone comes "into" a country, it is called...
What was the benefit of having a steam engine on a boat?
It allowed it to move without depending on the wind.
The lasting effects of the Missouri Compromise eventually lead to what war?
The Civil War
How many states were slave states in 1820?
Where did the driver of the Conestoga wagon "ride?"
On a horse, walking on the left side or standing on a lazy board on the left side.
When someone exits or leaves a country it is called...