
What are these nasty little creatures, just don't get them wet?



This was invented by a businessman who wanted to have more daylight to play golf in the evenings


What book is this the first line of?

“YOU don’t know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain’t no matter.”


What's the second biggest state after Alaska?


 Which state has the longest coastline in the United States?


What are two companies, bitter rivals, releasing movies about superheroes?


This popular American stereotype originated as a disparaging nickname for loyalists in times of the Revolutionary war



What is the title of this poem by Robert Frost?
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Fire and Ice


This state has the largest population in the United States.

California accounts for 12% of the population of the United States. It is followed by Texas & Florida


How come Mountain Mauna Kea in Hawaii is considered to be even higher than Everest?

If measured from the actual base underwater, Mauna Kea is higher than Mount Everest.


Who said that:

"Life is like a box of chocolates."

Forrest Gump


This popular American food item was invented for and initially prescribed to patients with digestive problems

Kellog’s breakfast cereal 


This is a shot from a film based on the Netflix original Nurse Ratchett. 

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1962) is a novel written by Ken Kesey.


This state has more churches per capita than any other state in the union.


A very famous US landmark, which is French by origin is a subject of a popular confusion. It's never been where everybody thinks it is.

The Statue of Liberty


What film won 11 Academy Awards (Oscars) in 1997?


The Founding Fathers actually considered this form of government as they sat down to create the constitution of the United States



This American author has only published two books: one in 1960 and one in 2015.
The one published in 1960 became an instant success and an American classic.
The one published in 2015, one year before the author’s death, is called “Go Set a Watchman.” It was originally claimed to be a sequel to the first book but was later confirmed to be the first draft of the first book.
Who is the author and what is the name of the first book?


It's home to an insane amount of monkeys.


Today this city name comes to mind when one speaks about famous cheesecake. But what role did this city play in American history from 1774 to 1790?

Philadelphia, known colloquially as Philly used to be the capital of the USA from 1774 to 1790.


What is the first and oldest feature length animated film released by Disney in 1937?

Snow white and the seven dwarfs


Every American schoolchild is taught that it said «What has God wrought». In fact, it said «Everything worked well»

Morse’s first telegraphic message / telegram


What poet was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1987
"for an all-embracing authorship, imbued with clarity of thought and poetic intensity"?

Joseph Brodsky


 In which state Cutting down a cactus can get you prison time?


The native saguaro cactus is one of the things we most associate with Arizona, but they also take a really long time to grow, so laws have been put on the books prohibiting the removal of the spiny flora. 


Due to a number of skyscrapers in New York the density of population is immense. Hense it was causing postal workers a lot of trouble finding the right addressee in a certain area until they found a perfect solution. How did they tackle the problem?

The assigned zip-codes to the skyscrapers.