American History
British History
American and British Geography
American attractions, customs and holidays
British attractions, customs and holidays

He was the first President of the United States.

On April 30, 1789, George Washington became the first American president.


This king created the Anglican church as the traditional Christians didn't accept all his marriages and love affairs.

Henry VIII


How many states are there in USA?

50 states


Name this tourist attraction: It took the workers more than 14 years to carve the 60-foot sculptures into the granite rock, as it depicts four presidents' faces of the U.S. 

Mount Rushmore


This is England’s National Dish

Chicken Tikka Masala


American colonies were grouped in 3 different regions according to their location: what were the names of these regions?

New England colonies, Middle colonies and Southern colonies


A historical event that generated transformations in population, agriculture, the method of production of manufactures, such as the textile industry, banking, commerce and transportation.

The Industrial Revolution

What is the capital of Northern Ireland?



In this year, the Native Americans and Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving

In 1621.


This isn't a 'dish' exactly. It’s really more of a feast, or event. But it’s also one of England’s most popular, famous and enjoyable food traditions,

Afternoon tea or afternoon tea party


What was the main cause for the American revolution?

Britain had invested heavily in defending the colonies and now wanted to show authority over them by imposing heavy taxes.


These people came from central Europe and occupied large parts of Ireland and Great Britain, dominated by fortified hillforts.

They were the first inhabitants in the UK.

The Celts


What's the difference among Great Britain, England and The UK?

Great Britain is the biggest British island (geographically speaking); England is one of the four nations that are part of the United Kingdom and the UK is the union of these 4 regions or nations (Scotland, Wales, England, and Northern Ireland)


Besides turkey and stuffing, mention 3 more traditional dishes Americans prepare and eat for Thanksgiving day.

Gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes or yam, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole (green beans, onions, and mushrooms), and pumpkin pie. 


Mention 3 tourist attractions we can find in Scotland

The Loch Ness, the Caledonian Canal, the ruins of Urquhart Castle, The Edinburg Castle, The Royal Mile, and The Stirling Castle.


Why did the USA join the WWII?

The United States had tried to remain neutral, but when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the USA joined the Allies.


During the World War I, the opposing sides were known as the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. 

Which side did Britain belong to and which other countries were with it?

Britain was within the 'Allied Powers', including France, Russia, and United States.


For USA: What is the name of the character that traditionally appears on US patriotic events?

For the UK: What is the name of the national flag of the United Kingdom?

Uncle Sam

The Union Jack


Mention 1 etiquette manner before, during, and after Thanksgiving dinner.


Let your host know if you can come or not.

Offer to contribute to the meal

Arrive on time


Never have more than one cocktail before dinner.

Wait for the eldest adult to take their seat.

Avoid putting your elbows on the table.

Don’t show up with uninvited guests.

Unfold your napkin and place it in your lap.

Put your cell phone away at the dinner table.

Do not begin the meal until the host or hostess has taken their first bite.

Never blow on your food — just wait until it cools.

Pass the salt and pepper together.

Hold your glass correctly.

Stay at the table, even when you have finished your meal

Avoid discussing controversial family issues


Offer to help with the clean-up.

Don’t overstay your welcome.

Say thank you. A phone call or, better yet, a handwritten note of thanks.


This haunted place has been a prison, palace, treasure vault, observatory, and menagerie. It is widely considered the most important building in England.

Tower of London


Which American tribe lived the 'Trail of tears'?

What was the Trail of tears?

It was the Cherokee nation and the Trail of tears.

This was the forced relocation of indigenous people, who were forced to leave their homes during that period, which is sometimes known as the removal era, and that some 15,000 died during the journey west.


These kings and queens belonged to the Tudor's monarchy, except these two:

Charles I

Henry VII

Henry VIII

Edward VI

Bloody Mary

Elizabeth I

James I

James I and Charles I belong to the Estuardo monarchy


Mention 5 states from USA


Mention 5 natural attractions we can find in the American territory. 

The Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, Rocky Mountains, Yosemite National Park, Yellowstone National Park, and Monument Valley.


What is the correct order to set a cake stand for an afternoon tea party?

On the top tier we place the scones; in the middle tier, sandwiches are placed and at the bottom tier, we can find sweets, pastries and deserts.