American Revolution
French Revolution
Massachusetts Governor Gage is secretly ordered by the British to enforce the Coercive Acts and suppress "open rebellion" among colonists by using all necessary force.
What is the opening of the American Revolution in April 1775?
The Tennis court Oath - the third estate declares its status as the National Assembly.
What event helped initiate the French Revolution on June29, 1789?
It occurred on the 9-10 of November, 1799
What is the coup of Napoleon taking over the Directory and the end of the French Revolution?
The American revolutionaries get the much needed foreign support they had been hoping for. King Louis XVI of France commits one million dollars in arms and munitions. Spain then also promises support.
What is the support given to America in May 2, 1776 ?
The fall of the Bastille.
What event was angry commoners storming the prison for weapons in July 1789?
The military exhibition began in 1798 under Napoleon's direction
What is the Egyptian campaign?
United States Declaration of Independence signed
What happened in the Revolution on July 4, 1776?
The National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen which will take liberty, fraternity, and equality to the people of France.
What occurred to change the rights of Frenchman on the 26 of Aug 1789?
Napoleon became Consul for life
What occurred in 1802 for Napoleon?
A new Massachusetts constitution is endorsed asserting "all men are born free and equal," which includes black slaves.
What June 11, 1780 event and document began freedom rights in the American Revolution?
The royal family is caught attempting to escape France in Varennes. They were headed towards Austria, where Marie Antoinette's family resided as emperors. This is the "Flight to Varennes"
What event showed the king feared for his life in June, 1791?
Napoleon Crowned himself emperor
What happened in 1804?
The Treaty of Paris is signed by the United States and Great Britain. Congress will ratify the treaty on January 14, 1784.
What treaty is begun on September 3, 1783 to end the war with Britain with the peace-making help of the French?
The king is executed.
What occurs on Jan 21, 1793?
France tried to invade Great Britain Admiral Horatio Nelson defeated him at the Battle of Trafalgar
What is showed France's aggression in 1805?