What does NBA stand for?
What is National Basketball Association
Who is the girls known as in this meme?
What is Disaster Girl
When day does Thanksgiving always come on?
What is the fourth Thursday of every November
I am the city noted for being the birthplace of jazz and throwing a big Mardi Gras celebration. What city am I?
What is New Orleans, Louisiana
Which was the first member of One Direction to leave the group back in 2015?
What is Zayn Malik
How many bases are in a baseball field?
What is 4 bases
In what year was this meme introduced?
What is 2015?
When was the first Thanksgiving held and with whom?
What is 1621 between the Pilgrims and Native Americans
I am the home of the Freedom Trail and one of the better-known marathons in the world. What city am I?
What is Boston, Massachusetts
What is the name of Ed Sheeran’s first album?
What is + (Plus)
How many points is a touchdown in American Football?
What is 6 points
What nationality is Salt Bae?
What is Turkish
What day and year was America's Declaration of Independence?
What is July 4th, 1776
I have more coastline than all the other 49 state put together. Yes, I’m that big. What state am I?
What is Alaska
With which TV show did Miley Cyrus start?
What is Hannah Montana
How many players are on a baseball team?
What is 9 players
What Justin Bieber song did Overly Attached Girlfriend recreate?
What is Boyfriend
Who was the United States second President?
What is John Adams
With over 38 million people, I’m the most populous state in the union. Texas and Florida are numbers two and three. What state am I?
What is California
Can you guess the title and singer of the song with the lyrics: “tastes like strawberries on a summer evenin’”?
What is Watermelon Sugar by Harry Styles
What American Football team scored the most points in a Superbowl?
What is the San Francisco 49ers (Super Bowl XXIX)
Why did all of America want to storm Area 51 in Nevada?
What is to see them aliens
Which two Presidents were assassinated during their terms?
What is Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy
The city that is known for its film industry and famous actors. Nowadays, one of my most iconic symbols is a big sign that everyone knows. What city am I?
What is Hollywood, California
At the Super Bowl 2020, which pop queens performed?
What is Shakira and JLo (Jennifer Lopez)