Who owns important businesses, contributes to important industries, works important jobs, and adds $2 trillion to the US economy every year
Gold was discovered here, prompting westward migration to the Pacific Coast
Having peoples of multiple backgrounds, nationalities, ethnic groups, cultures, identities, and customs in one place at one time
Ethnic Diversity
Who is the volunteer in Talsint?
Percentage of Americans who speak a language other than English in the home
The "Golden Door" to the United States in the 1800s
Ellis Island, New York City
Immigration numbers in the late 1900s
1 million a year
The name of the ship the Europeans came to America on
Peace Corps Volunteers
People who were first to live in North America, and faced continued repression, discrimination, and the loss of land, culture, and identity by European Settlers and later the US Government
Native American Tribes
Origin of the Majority of 15 million Immigrants from the Early 1900s
Southern and Eastern Europe
Official Language of the United States, Official Religion of the United States
No Official Language or Religion
Many people identify with their country of origin as well as being "American"
Hyphenated Identities
Americans represent many different faiths and beliefs and US law respects and protects the beliefs of all Americans
Religious Diversity
First European settlers who fled religious persecution to New England
Three Largest Immigrant Groups during the late 1900s
Mexico, China, and India
Ended in 1865, during the American Civil War
Assimilation of People into One Identity
Melting Pot
First Black President of the United States
Barack Obama
Percent or number of people living in the United States that were born in other countries
14% or 47 million people
Before the United States won its freedom and became a country, it was this, controlled by the British
The Thirteen Colonies
Resulted from Activism by the Civil Rights Movement, led by Black Americans and allies
Civil Rights Act of 1964
People Maintaining Distinct Cultural Identities
Salad Bowl
When large numbers of African-Americans moved from the rural South to Northern Cities in the early 1900s
The Great Migration