What We Thought it Was
Getting Over Here
And You Thought it Was Going to be Easy
How it Really is
If We Added This Column, Our Presentation Would be Too Long
Engraved on this statue is the following quote: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
What is the Statue of Liberty?
Many of these immigrants came to the United States because of a potato famine.
Who were the Irish?
This political machine in New York City served as a rudimentary public welfare system for impoverished immigrants. a. Tammany Hall b. Benaroya Hall c. The Great Hall
What is a. Tammany Hall
This man wrote How the Other Half Lives, depicting the slums of New York City inhabited by immigrants.
Who is Jacob Riis?
Which ethnic group of immigrants in particular came to America in search of the "golden mountain", which they later found out was an illusion?
Who were the Chinese?
The Irish came to America mostly by a. Jetpack b. Rafting c. 2-3 month boat trip
c. 2-3 month boat trip
The most notorious slum neighborhood in Manhattan was called: a. The Hawks slum area b. The Five Points slum area c. The Slum dog Millionaire slum area
What is b. The Five Points slum area
Rents for tenements/slums in New York City were about 25% higher than rents for uptown apartments, yet many immigrants still lived in tenements. Why? a. Tenements provided entertainment in the form of circus acts. b. Uptown apartments were too far away from their work places. c. Tenements were bigger than apartments. d. Racial discrimination barred them from upward mobility.
What is d. Racial discrimination barred them from upward mobility.
This American quality lured in many immigrants from all over the world in the 19th century. a. "Opportunity" Immigrants believed that America would offer much better opportunities for the psychologically unstable. b. "Freedom": In the United States, everyone had the freedom to practice anything they desire. c. "Love" Immigrants sought to find their soul mate in America
What is b. "Freedom"
Immigrants at processing centers had to answer: a. a series of questions including their ability to read and write b. a series of questions about their origin and why they came to America c. a survey about their trip to America
What is a. a series of questions including their ability to read and write
Beginning in 1892, new immigrants to the United States were taken to this place for processing, where they received medical examinations. a. Castle Garden Receiving Station b. Ellis Island c. Perrywinkle Island d. Guttle Processing Station
What is b. Ellis Island?
This _______ epidemic that occurred mostly in the slums of New York City in 1832 nearly doubled the city's mortality rate. a. Malaria b. Cholera c. STD
What is b. Cholera
Historians have often criticized the American Dream for its "false nature". One of the following answers factually supports that criticism. a. Unusually low level of intergenerational mobility b. Terrible problems with obesity c. The Great depression
What is a. Unusually low level of intergenerational mobility
Many Germans settled in Wisconsin because they could: a. Raise cattle b. Grow oats c. Sell hamburgers
What is b. Grow oats
This court case upheld the validity of internment camps for first and second generation japanese immigrants during World War II. a.Takehashi v. United States b. Suzuki v. United States c.Hirabayashi v. United States
What is c."Hirabayashi v. United States"?
A political party created by the merging of the "Order of United Americans" and the Order of the Star Spangled Banner in New York City; formed in opposition to Irish and Chinese immigrants.
What is the "Know Nothing" party?
This person stated in his book, The Epic of America, that the American Dream is "that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievements".
Who is James Truslow Adams?
The Immigration Act of 1924 included: a. The National Origins Act b. The Asian Exclusion Act c. Neither a nor b d. Both a and b
What is d. Both a and b.
Written by Ann McNab, this book offers a good first hand account of the lives of domestic servants. a. Philadelphia Greenhorn b. Uncle Tom's Cabin c. The Hood
What is a. Philadelphia Greenhorn
This senator from 1909 believed that Southern and Eastern Europeans prevent our nation from "keeping American stock up to the highest standard--that is, the people who were born here". a. David Reed b. Joseph McCarthy c. Newt Gingrich d. George Chamberlain
Who was a. David Reed?