Use this idiom in a sentence: Cold turkey
To give up something all at once rather than gradually weaning off. "I quit smoking cold turkey." "
"The store was ____ because everyone's preparing for the hurricane. The water sold out by 10!"
Packed: very crowded; full of people
"Can't complain. How are you?"
Use this idiom in a sentence: Fly on the wall
To witness what is going on without anyone being aware that you are there. "I'd love to be a fly on the wall in the Oval Office."
"I'm ______. I only had an apple for breakfast."
Starving: very hungry (hyperbolic)
Guess the meaning: So so.
"How are you?"
"So so. I need a root canal so that's fun."
Use this idiom in a sentence: In the ballpark
Close to or around something; fairly accurate. "The house was in the ballpark of $500,000." - "He gave me a ballpark estimate of $200 to repair the sink."
"The house was _____. He did a great job cleaning."
Spotless: very clean
Guess the meaning: I owe you one.
I owe you a favor; said after someone does something nice for you.