Literary Elements

Put the adjectives in order:

A skirt  (leather / French / stylish)

A stylish French leather skirt


Which compound adjective match the following definition?
Often forgetting or not noticing things

A. big-headed
B. absentminded
C. laid-back

Which compound adjective match the following definition?
Often forgetting or not noticing things

B. absentminded


Read the following tongue twister:

An ape hates grape cakes.

/ ən ˈeɪp ˈheɪts ˈgreɪp ˈkeɪks  /


Complete the following sentence:

A __________ is a true story of a person´s life that is written by another person. An ____________ is a writer´s true account of his or her own life.

 A biography is a true story of a person´s life that is written by another person. An autobiography is a writer´s true account of his or her own life.


Put the adjectives in order:

eyes (big / dark / beautiful)

Answer: beautiful big dark eyes 


Combine a word from "A" with a word form "B" to create a compound adjective that matches the definition.

dishonest about your feelings; telling people what you think will please them

A                                 B
______________          ______________
well                              fisted
open                             faced
two                              headed
______________          ______________

Combine a word from "A" with a word form "B" to create a compound adjective that matches the definition.

dishonest about your feelings; telling people what you think will please them

A                                 B
______________          ______________
well                                fisted
open                               faced
two                               headed
______________          ______________


Mention two words with the / tʃ / phonetic sound.

catch- question


Explain each element of the plot line.

The exposition, or beginning, of a plot sets the scene. It is the part of a story where the writer builds the world, sets the time frame, and introduces characters to help the reader understand when and where things are taking place.

The rising action of a plot is where the story begins to develop. Conflicts are introduced that complicate the lives of the characters and create suspense. These tensions can be a cause of excitement or crisis as the characters deal with the conflict put in front of them.

The climax of a plot is when the tensions or actions have reached their peak and characters have reached a turning point in the story. From this point on, the reader is left to wonder what will happen next and if the tensions will be resolved.

The falling action of a plot occurs once the conflict from the onset of the story begins to resolve itself.

Finally, the resolution of a plot is the last element to take place. The resolution is the conclusion of the story, which can be happy, tragic, or open for interpretation. Regardless, a well-written conclusion will make it clear that the story has come to an end.


Complete the question with the correct auxiliary verb.

The teacher has assigned the homework. _____ he?

Complete the question with the correct auxiliary verb.

The teacher has assigned the homework. Hasn't he?


Unscramble the letters to create a word related to "illnesses and injuries" 

Marvin: I sometimes feel a little dizzy when I first grew up.
Luis: It sounds like you have low [B O L O D]  [S P E R S E R U ]

Unscramble the letters to create a word related to "illnesses and injuries" 

Marvin: I sometimes feel a little dizzy when I first grew up.
Luis: It sounds like you have low [BLOOD] [PRESSURE]


Read the following words:

allergic - bandage - emergency - injury 

The previous words show the following phonetic sound:

a. dʒ

b. ʃ 

c. tʃ

a. dʒ


___________ is a literary device in which an author drops subtle hints about plot developments to come later in the story. It’s like a memory that gives background information.



Complete the dialogue with with an auxiliary or modal verb. 

A: Karla, are you Mexican?
B: Yes, I am, and so _____ my husband.

Complete the dialogue with with an auxiliary or modal verb. 

A: Karla, are you Mexican?
B: Yes, I am, and so is my husband.


Complete the following conversation with a word related to "Illnesses and Injuries." The first letter is given. 

Patient: I've been sick and I have diarrhea.
Doctor: You might have f____ _____. Are you sure the shrimp you had for lunch was fully cooked?

Complete the following conversation with a word related to "Illnesses and Injuries." The first letter is given. 

Patient: I've been sick and I have diarrhea.
Doctor: You might have food poisoning. Are you sure the shrimp you had for lunch was fully cooked?


Mention four words with the /K/ phonetic sound.

car, can, could, etc


____ is a literary technique derived from Latin, meaning “letters of the alphabet.” It occurs when two or more words are linked that share the same first consonant sound, such as “fish fry.” Some famous examples include: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers



Complete the sentence with the correct narrative tense (past simple, continuous, perfect, or perfect continuous).

We _______________ (fly) for about two hours when suddenly the captain told us to fasten our seat belts because we were flying into some very bad weather.

Complete the sentence with the correct narrative tense (past simple, continuous, perfect, or perfect continuous).

We had been flying for about two hours when suddenly the captain told us to fasten our seat belts because we were flying into some very bad weather.


Complete the sentence with a word related to "air travel."

There aren't any direct flights from Costa Rica to Cancún, so we have to take a _____ in El Salvador.

Complete the sentence with a word related to "air travel."

There aren't any direct flights from Costa Rica to Cancún, so we have to take a connecting flight in El Salvador.


Which group of words contains the /ʊ / sound?

a. four - forks

b.tuna - zucchini

c. good - cook

c. good - cook


What's the difference between foreshadowing and flashback?

flashbacks are used to narrate past events, and are usually recounting memories. foreshadowing is a plot device that hints at a future hapenning.