Important figures
Treaties, Amendments and Acts
Foreign Policy
Things to Know
I was a Rough Rider in the Spanish American War, an imperialist advocate, Secretary of the Navy, Vice President and President of the U.S.
Who is Theodore Roosevelt
This famous document gave the U.S. the right to intervene in domestic affairs of Latin American nations in order to restore military and financial order.
What is Roosevelt's Corollary
"Speak softly and Carry a big stick" was part of whose policy?
Who is Teddy Roosevelt
America took this long to build the Panama canal.
What is 10 years.
This was a group of Cuban war volunteers consisting of cowboys, college students and adventurers. They were led by Theodore Roosevelt and Leonard Wood.
Who are the Rough Riders.
As president I supported U.S. acquisition of the Philippines, however I initially opposed the Spanish-American War.
Who is William McKinley
Daily Double!!! In 1901 Cubans were forced to add this to their constitution. This treaty stipulated that the U.S. could intervene in Cuba militarily in order to restore order and also limited Cuba's treaty making ability
What is the Platt Amendment
What document helped to confirm and reinforce Roosevelt's Big Stick Policy?
What is the Roosevelt Corollary
To build the canal the U.S. backed a revolt against this country.
What is Colombia.
This was used to stir the American public through sensational news stories. It can also be one of the reasons for the start of the Spanish-American war.
What is Yellow Journalism.
I was a Spanish general who outraged the American public due to my brutal tactics against Cuban rebels.
Who is "Butcher" Weyler
This treaty was signed between the U.S. and Great Britain. It gave the U.S. the rights to build and fortify a canal in Central America.
What is the the Hay Paunceorte Treaty
Dollar Diplomacy was associated with this president.
Who is William Taft
This treaty allowed the U.S. to build the canal.
What is the Hay-Bunau Treaty
The destruction of this ship caused the outbreak of the Spanish-American war.
What is the USS Maine
Daily Double!!! As publisher of the famous New York Journal I famously coined the phrase, "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."
Who is William Randolph Hearst
This treaty ended the Spanish-American war.
What is the Treaty of Paris (1898)
U.S. gained control of these countries as result of the Spanish-American war.
What is Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.
These three benefits resulted from the building of the canal.
What is promoting American business, reducing travel time and strengthening American military presence in Central America.
Daily Double!!! This person was a native Hawaiian ruler overthrown in a revolution led by white planters and aided by U.S. troops
Who is Queen Liliuokalani
I was an American naval officer who wrote the book, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History.
Who is Alfred Mahan
This ended military rule and set up a civil government in Puerto Rico.
What is the Foraker Act
Daily Double!!! Missionary Diplomacy or Moral Diplomacy is associated with this president
Who is Woodrow Wilson.
This treaty between Britain and the U.S. gave America full rights to the canal.
What is the Hay Paunceorte Treaty
This phrase refers to the United States' purchase of Alaska
What is Seward's Folly