French/ Indian War

What is James Wolfe most known for?

Defeated the French at the Battle of Quebec

What were the British reactions to the Stamp Act?
What is Britain repealed the Stamp Act.

This was the colonists' reactions to the Stamp Act.

What is protests. They tarred and feathered tax collectors

What was the relationship between the British and French like before the French and Indian War?
What is strained. Both wanted to build a larger empire. Three wars were fought between the French and British in Europe.
Who was Samuel Adams?
What is a major leader in the colonial opposition. Formed the Committee of Correspondence.
These acts were put into place in order to punish the people of Massachusetts. What are they called and explain one of them.
What is the Intolerable Acts. Port Act- closed the port in Boston to all trade. Quartering Act- increased the number of soldiers that were housed in colonist homes. Quebec Act- determined how to rule Canada.
This was a result of resentment regarding the occupation of Boston by British soldiers.
What is the Boston Massacre.
Who was responsible for turning things around for the British during the French and Indian War? What measures did he use to change things in their favor?
What is William Pitt. He replaced old generals with new and more talented ones. He outfitted the colonists to aid the British.
Who was known for riding through the countryside of Boston warning the people of the approaching British soldiers.
Who is Paul Revere
This is the phrase to represent the colonists' protest of the taxes.
What is "No taxation without representation."
This was a result of the Tea Tax in which Indians raided some British ships.
What is the Boston Tea Party
Why was the British defeating the French at Quebec so important for them?
What is Quebec marked the beginning of the end for the control of France in North America.
He was the general who failed to defeat the French at Fort Duquesne.
What is General Braddock
What did the Proclamation of 1763 mandate?
What is mandated that colonists were not too move past the Appalachian Mountains.

What were the British and French both after on the North American continent?

What is control of the fur trade and control of the fisheries along Newfoundland.

What were the disadvantages of the French and British before the French and Indian War.
What is the French had a large area to govern with a small and widely scattered population. The British lacked unity among the colonies.
Who said, "Give me Liberty or give me death,"?
What is Patrick Henry
What are the Navigation and Trade Acts? What were their purpose.
What is controlled trade between American colonies and British rivals. Place restrictions on imported and exported goods coming to and leaving from the American colonies.
What was the purpose of the Committee of Correspondence?
What is promote resistance to Britain.
What were the advantages of the French and British before the war?
What is French had a strong united government, a well-trained army, and strategically-placed forts. The British had a large population, allied with the Iroquois, and had a strong navy.