Fun Facts

When does the United States celebrate Independence Day?

a. January 1st

b. July 4th

c. December 25th

b. July 4th


Who made the first flag?

a. Besty Ross

b. Betty White

c. Diana Ross

a. Betsy Ross


When is it okay to fly a flag upside down?

a. never

b. during war time

c. in instances of distress or extreme danger to life or property

c. in instances of distress or extreme danger to life or property


Fun Fact: How many versions of the American flag have there been?

a. 5

b. 16

c. 27

c. 27


When should you salute the flag?

a. when it passes in a parade

b. when it is raised or lowered

c. during the Pledge of Allegiance

all of the above

*When not in uniform, you can hold your hand over your heart instead of giving a salute


The current version of the flag with 50 stars was first flown on July 4th of which year?

a. 1777

b. 1860

c. 1960

1960....When Hawaii became the 50th state!


Who was the first President of the Unites States of America?

a. Thomas Jefferson

b. Abraham Lincoln

c. George Washington

c. George Washington


When can the flag be flown at night?

a. never

b. always

c. when it is lit properly

c. when it is lit properly


Which is NOT a nickname for the American flag?

a. The Stars and Stripes

b. The Red, White, and Blue

c. Old Glory

d. The Star-Spangled Banner

e. Old Faithful

e. Old Faithful


What do we call the blue part of the flag?

a. the Union or canton

b. the sky

c. old Blue

a. the Union or canton


For which holiday it is common to raise the flag at half staff and place small flags by war memorials and next to the graves of U.S. war veterans?

a. Veteran's Day

b. Memorial Day

c. Independence Day

b. Memorial Day


Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?

a. George Washington

b. Thomas Jefferson

c. Abraham Lincoln

b. Thomas Jefferson


When should the flag be flown at half staff?

a. following a national tragedy

b. after the death of a president or other national or state figure

c. to honor those who have sacrificed their lives for their country

all of the responses are correct

Fun Fact: True or False

There is an American Flag in space.

True: Actually, there are six.

You have probably seen Neil Armstrong on the moon with an American Flag, but he is not the only one to plant one on the surface of the moon. Five additional Apollo missions, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17, ended with an astronaut placing a flag on the moon.


Which is NOT a proper way to dispose of a flag?

a. burning it in a respectful ceremony

b. burying it

c. throwing it away

c. throwing it away


On which date should you NOT display the American flag?

a. on Earth Day

b. on Christmas

c. you can display the flag any and every day

c. you can display the flag any and every day


Who can order a flag at half mast?

a. anyone can

b. any government official

c. the president or state governor

c. the president or state governor


Where should the blue canton (rectangle with stars) be when the flag is hung/displayed?

a. at the top left

b. at the top right

c. it doesn't matter

a. at the top left


True or False

The current flag was designed by a teenager.


17-year-old high school student, Robert G. Heft, of Lancaster, Ohio submitted the design in a contest in 1958. It was chosen out of over 1,500 submissions by President Dwight Eisenhower.


What do the stars represent, and how many stars are on our current flag?

a. the constellations; 13

b. each state; 50

c. each president; 50

b. each state; 50


Which holiday is celebrated on June 14, commemorating the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777?

a. Memorial Day

b. Independence Day

c. Flag Day

c. Flag Day


From whom did America gain their independence in the American Revolution?

a. The French

b. The British

c. The Native Americans

b. The British


True or False

It's ok to display an dirty and worn flag. You are still showing respect for our country by displaying the flag.

False- the flag should be displayed and treated with respect. Flags that are dirtied and worn beyond repair should be disposed of in a dignified manner.


True or False

Our national anthem, the Star Spangled Banner, is about the American flag. 


The lyrics come from a poem written in 1814 by poet Francis Scott Key after witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry by British ships during the War of 1812. Key was inspired by the large U.S. flag, known as the Star-Spangled Banner, flying triumphantly above the fort during the U.S. victory.


What do the stripes on the flag represent?

a. each state in the United States

b. each battle America has fought in

c. the 13 original colonies

c. the 13 original colonies