Paul Bunyan
Johnny Appleseed
Davy Crockett
John Henry
Mythic Animals

Paul Buyan was remarkable because he was this size

What is huge or gigantic?


Johnny Appleseed was known for planting what kind of trees across the US?

What are Apple Trees?


He was known for fighting in the battle for this Texas landmark, that many people are told to remember

What is the Alamo?


John Henry was a freedman, which means he used to be this

What is a slave?


This American mythical animal is sometimes considered the "missing link" between primates and humans

What is bigfoot or sasquatch?


Paul Bunyan's Job

What is Lumberjack?


He was known for wearing this on his head

What is a pot?


Most depictions of Davy Crockett have him wearing a hat made out this animal's skin

What is a raccoon? 


John Henry worked for this industry

What is the railroad industry?


This mythical animal looks like a rabbit with antlers

What is a jackalope?


The name of his pet ox

What is Babe the Blue Ox?


Johhny Appleseed's real name

What is John Chapman?


In 1835, Davy Crockett thwarted an assassination attempt on this US President

Who was Andrew Jackson?


In the legends, John Henry was faster than this piece of machinery

What is a drilling machine?


This mythical animal comes from Puerto Rico, and its name translates as "Goat Sucker"

What is Chupacabra?


Paul was claimed to be the reason behind many locations in the US. This location in Arizona was made when he dragged his axe behind him.

What is the Grand Canyon?


Johnny didn't just drop seeds, he planted farms. What he made are not called orchards, but this; also a name for a room of a house prepared for a new baby on the way

What is a nursery?


While nowadays we say he was born in Tennessee, Davy was actually born in a territory that tried to become a new US state, named after this founding father.

Who is Ben Franklin?


In the legends, John Henry died from exertion, but from silicosis, a disease that affected this pair of organs

What are the lungs?


This mythical creature comes from multiple different Native American folklores. It flies and is associated with lightning. It is also a car model made by Ford

What is the thunderbird?


Some people think that I was the inspiration for the character Paul Bunyan. 

Who is Fabian "Saginaw Joe" Fournier?


Johnny was a missionary for this branch of Christianity

What is The New Church?


His name was used for the name of a particular type of rocket launcher developed in 1961. This rocket launcher was notable for this reason

What are nuclear warheads?


Historians still debate which tunnel he died making, but these two are the major suspected ones

What are the Big Bend Tunnel and the Lewis Tunnel?


This mythical creature was spotted in West Virginia in 1966, and was described as, "Man-Sized Bird ... Creature ... Something" 

What is Mothman?