1st Amendment
2nd & 3rd Amendments
4th Amendment
Types of Governments

This Freedom means a newspaper can print anything they want, as long as it's true and doesn't harm National Security. 

What is the freedom of Press?


Which group of Senators insisted that every home of U.S. citizens should be allowed to have guns in their homes in case of a rebellion? Northern or Southern?

What is Southern? 


The ability to enforce the law or have power in a certain area? 

What is Jurisdiction? 


When the government takes something by force or legal process. 

What is Seizure? 


A government headed by a King or Queen.

What is a monarchy? 


This Freedom means a person can be an Atheist, worship Pyramids or Pray to the Sun God without interference from the government. 

What is Freedom of Religion? 


The 3rd Amendment is rarely used today, but it was important during the 1780's in order to stop this practice that the British soldiers did, which angered MANY Americans? 

What is Quartering? 


The level of government that can declare war.

What is the Federal government?


A Promise to tell the truth to a judge. 

What is an oath or affirmation? 


A government where citizens vote for representatives, who then vote in congress on behalf of the citizens. 

Representative Democracy


This freedom does not give a person the right to lie on (slander) other people and damage their reputation. 

What is Freedom of Speech?


In plain Language, the 2nd amendment allows citizens to own what? 

What are Guns (Arms/weapons)? 


The level of Government that is in charge of Schools and Elections.

What is the State Government? 


This type of document is needed to search someone's house.

What is a warrant? 


A type of government that tries to eliminate the gap between rich people and poor people, by ensuring that people have the same resources and earn the same amount of money.

What is Socialism? 


A group of people writing letters to their congressman in order to change a law is what? 

What is Freedom of (to) Petition?


An army made up of ordinary citizens who's job it is to help the Army in an emergency is? 

What is a Militia? 


Baltimore City Police are part of what level of government? 

What is Local (or city) Government? 


Another phrase for a "good reason" to conduct a search for illegal activity.

What is Probable Cause? 


The type of Government where one person (or a small group) of people rule everything and the citizens can't vote, don't have freedom of speech, press, petition, assembly or religion. 

What is a dictatorship? 


The right of RFL students to form a group called the "Mr. Laird is the best teacher in Maryland Fan Club" is legal under what? 

What is Freedom to (of) Assembly? 


A power or privilege that can not be taken away by the government.

What is a Right? 

In a natural disaster, the executive (head) of the State Government has to ask the Preseident to Declare a state of Emergency.  What is the title of the executive of the state government? 

What is thre Governor? 


When a court makes a decision that also applies to similar cases.

What is a Precedent? 


In the United States, the document that lays out the rules for how the government is formed and what rights the citizens are entitled too. 

What is the Constitution?