English Colonies
The Constitution
Articles of Confederation
Important People

These were the 3 different types of colonies in the English colonies of the New World.

What is Middle, New England, and Chesapeake/Southern?


This is what the beginning of the Constitution is called.

What is the Preamble?


This was written before the Constitution.

What is the Articles of Confederation?


The first 10 amendment of the Constitution.

What is the Bill of Rights?


The first president of the United States. 

Who is George Washington?


This group of colonies included the most states.

What are the Chesapeake/Southern colonies?


The Senate must meet this many times a year.

What is once a year?


The Articles of Confederation overall had a very ___ government.

What is weak?


This gave women the right to vote.

What is the 19th amendment?


This person believed human are born with natural rights.

Who is John Locke?


This group of colonies was known for having diversity.

What are the Middle colonies?


This state has the highest number of House of Representatives.

What is California?


This was the event where slaves went against their owners and protested.

What is Shay's Rebellion?


The amendment that limited the amount States may be sued.

What is amendment 11?


First African American president of the United States.

Who is Barrack Obama?


John Rolfe introduced this cash crop in Jamestown.

What is tobacco?


This group has the sole power to impeach and they need ___ of this group to vote in order to impeach.

What is the Senate and 2/3?


This Articles of Confederation did not have this branch of government.

What is the Executive government?


3 amendments that were all focused on slavery/civil rights.

What are amendments 13, 14, and 15?


This person was the president of the 2nd Continental Congress and he wanted peace with Britain.

Who is John Jay?


Name an important person from each colony.

What is 

New England (1)- John Winthrop, King Phillip, and Roger Williams

Chesapeake/Southern (1)- John Rolfe

Middle (1)- William Penn, James, Duke of York


The 3 qualifications in order to be able to run for President.

What is at least 35 years old, born a citizen, and at least 14 years a resident of the United States.


This convention was held in hopes of fixing the Articles of Confederation.

What is the Philadelphia (constitutional) Convention?


List 4 Amendments that came from the Bill of rights.

What is (4)

1. The 5 freedoms: speech, press, posession, religion, assembly.

2. Right to bear arms

3. Right to deny a soldier to live in your home during a time of peace.

4. Protects us from unlawful search and seizure

5. Rights of the accused: grand jury indictment, protection against double jeopardy, protection from self-incrimination, due process, eminent domain.

6. Rights of the accused continued: speedy and public trial by the jury of their peers, informed of charges brought against them, ability to hear witnesses against them, right to an attorney.

7. Right to a jury trial in court with matters over $20.

8. protection from cruel punishment and protection from excessive bail.

9. Citizens have more rights than those listed in Constitution.

10. The state or people have the power that are not specifically given to the federal government.


This person wrote several of the federalist papers and was the main architect of the Virginia Plan.

Who is James Madison?