Important Docs
I Pledge...

Which document established the principle that the English monarchy was not absolute, included fundamental rights like trial by jury and sought protection against arbitrary actions of the king by implementing due process of law?

Magna Carta


Which early philosopher stated that the government should be divided into three branches and argues for separation of powers?

Baron de Montesquieu


It is a persuasive document that seeks to justify the America’s reasons for independence.

Declaration of Independence


The __________________ is an independent agency of the US Government that maintains information on those potentially subject to enroll in the military.

Selective Service


In 1892, who revised the Pledge of Allegiance that we use today?

Francis Bellamy


The head of government in a presidential democracy is called the ____________ and the head of government in a parliamentary democracy is called the ______________________.

President; Prime Minister


The philosopher who wrote Two Treatise on Government believed that all people are born free and equal, with the rights to life, liberty, and property was...?

John Locke


The Declaration of Independence state that among our inalienable rights are “Life, Liberty, and _____________.”

Pursuit of Happiness


What is one of our most important way to perform our civic duties?



Why do we recite the Pledge of Allegiance?

We are pledging loyalty to the United State of America


Which form of government allows citizens to rule themselves by voting on important issues?

Direct Democracy


Enlightenment thinkers (the philosophers) contributed to changes in relationships between citizens and governments through their belief that...?

Governments are instituted to protect citizens’ rights


The purpose of government as described in the Declaration of Independence is to...?

Protect the people’s natural rights


As American citizens, it is important to be informed on what type of issues?

Both Domestic Issues and Foreign Issues


Why was the Pledge of Allegiance originally created?

It was created the Pledge as part of a school flag-raising ceremony to mark the 400th anniversary of Columbus' arrival in America.


Autocracy and Oligarchy are two forms of which type of government?



The English philosopher Thomas Hobbes explains that when a government abuses its power, its citizens have a right to...?

Learn to accept the dictatorship


What groups was the Declaration of Independence not originally written for...? 

The American people...


Why it is important to vote even if your candidate does not win?

It is important that you voice your opinion


The original gesture when reciting the Pledge was not the current right hand held over the heart, but was the _________________________ ?

"Roman Salute"


Brazil is led by a president who is elected by the citizens. Citizens in Brazil elect a new president every four years. Citizens also elect representatives to service in two different legislative bodies. What form of government does Brazil have?

Representative Democracy


What form of government has only one leader who has absolute control over citizens' lives? Although other parts of government may exist, these branches always do what the leader wants them to do. They do not represent the citizens



The Declaration of Independence was...?

An explanation of the colonists' revolt against Britain


What are three types of Involuntary Citizen Participation?

Pay Taxes

Serve on Jury

Register for Military Duty


In 1924, concerned that immigrants would actually be saluting the flags of their home countries, the American Legion and Daughters of the American Revolution pressured the National Flag Conference to replace the words "my flag" with _______________?

"the Flag of the United States of America."


The people of Denmark elect representatives to sit in Parliament, a lawmaking body. The Queen of Denmark heads the country, but she only has a small role in the government. The government is led by a Prime Minister, who is appointed from among the elected representatives. What form(s) of government does Denmark have?

Representative Democracy and Monarchy


Who believes the government exists to serve the people by protecting their rights – this is the social contract.  



Why are the Magna Carta, Petition of Rights, and the English Bill of Rights considered to influential government documents?

Many ideas that came from these documents influenced the writing of constitutions that are used today


What are four ways to voluntarily participate in citizenship?

  • Exercising citizens right to vote

  • Performing Public Service

  • Becoming informed about current issues

  • Respecting the right to have differing opinions


When did Congress officially endorsed the Pledge of Allegiance and instituted the current hand-over-heart gesture?

In 1942, soon after America entered World War II.