I am in charge of making laws
Legislative Branch
A law is vetoed. The _____________ is checking the __________________
The Executive is checking the Legislative
Congress is planning on passing a law that bans Tic Tok. Users of the app are saying that it violates their freedom of speech.
First Amendment
A bill starts in one house and is edited and worked on by a small group of individuals in Congress. That group is called a __________
The vote of the American People
Popular Vote
I am in charge of enforcing the laws made by the Legislative Branch
Executive Branch
A president vetoes a law but it is overturned with 2/3 vote. The _____________ is checking the __________________
The Legislative is checking the Executive
A car is searched for suspicion of drugs. The police however, did not have a warrant to check the car.
4th Amendment
Most bills are put aside for later because their are larger ones to focus on. This is called
Who wrote the Bill of Rights
James Madison
I judge the laws. I am charge of checking to see if the laws are constitutional.
Judicial Branch
A president passes a law but the Supreme Court says that it is unconstitutional. The _____________ is checking the __________________ and ______________
Judicial Branch is checking the Legislative and Executive
A brother and sister are arguing over their recently passed mothers estate. In total, the estate is worth over 120,000 dollars. They decide to have a jury decide who receives the estate.
7th Amendment
Bicameral means that a law has to pass through _______________ before going to the President.
Both houses (House of Representatives and Senate)
This vocabulary term means to approve of something. For example, all states had to _______ the Constitution before it became supreme law in the U.S.A.
I represent the needs of counties in my state.
House of Representatives
The President appoints a new Supreme court judge. Congress investigates the new judge and decides to impeach him. The _____________ is checking the __________________ and ______________
Legislative is checking the Executive and Judicial
I have the right to travel freely between states, the right to vote, and the right to privacy even though they are not explicitly stated in the Bill of Rights.
9th Amendment
What percentage of votes are needed from Congress in order for the Bill to be passed to the President?
A. 85%
B. 51%
C. 100%
D. 2/3 (66%)
While the Bill of Rights was being drafted, this group of congressman feared that the amendments gave the citizens to much power.
I am the group of select individuals from each state that elect the President every four years.
Electoral College
A President is accused by the Judicial for unconstitutional acts. The Legislative Branch decides to impeach the President. The _____________ and _______________ are checking the __________________
Legislative and Judicial are checking the Executive
All states have the right to set their own speed limits on highways. This is protected by the __________
10th Amendment
What are the three things the president can do when approached with a Bill?
1. Sign (And it becomes a law)
2. Veto (Rejects it, goes back to Congress)
3. Pocket Veto (Not officially rejected because Congress is not in session)
We the people, in order to form a more perfect ___________________