Ask a Politician about the Federalist Papers
Your Mama is an Anti-Federalist!
She's so Awesome Because of her Supremacy Clause
Let's Build Consensus while Negotiating about Compromise
That Does Not Look Necessary or Proper to Me!
What political party called for the creation of a Bill of Rights and would not support the constitution without it?
What is the Anti-Federalists
What Supreme Court Case determined that Citizens are not allowed to vote on Constitutional Amendments?
What is Hawke v. Smith
This constitutionally banned practice involves a legislature conducting a trial and finding an individual guilty of a crime.
What is a Bill of Attainder.
What fraction of states need to ratify an amendment for it to become law?
What is three quarters.
This drug can be taken within 6 weeks of pregnancy in order to terminate it.
What is RU-486
What article in the Constitution would tell a person about the process of a President signing a treaty with a foreign country?
What is Article II
If a person believes that the government should not be able to be involved in Healthcare, then that person is a supporter of this principle of government.
What is limited government.
John found a newspaper article from the late 18th century that contained news about a large number of trade disputes going on between neighboring states. What time period in United States history did this article likely come from?
What is the "Critical" period.
Fred and his wife went to a massive protest that had one and a half million people in attendance. What principle of government was being exercised by Fred, his wife, and the protesters?
What is popular sovereignty.
What article of the Constitution would a person consult that wanted to know about the power of the federal government to construct a court system?
What is article III (3)
If congress overrides a President's veto by a 2/3s majority, then what principle of government has been used?
What Checks and Balances.
What article in the Constitution provides information on when congress begins a new session.
What is Article I (1)
If one small group seized the Presidency, Congress, and the Supreme Court and, subsequently, the people created three new branches of government to counteract the power of these groups, what principle of government would be being supported?
What is Separation of Powers.
If a person read a document written in the late 18th century that was supporting the "Necessary and Proper" and "Supremacy Clause," then that person was likely reading one of these.
What is a Federalist Paper.
What article in the Constitution comes into play when it comes to gay marriage?
What is Article IV (4). Full Faith and Credit Clause.
A man accidentally runs over a family of five with his lawnmower, and, as the law provides, could only be charged with negligent homicide (short prison term). If a State passed a law making this specific act (after it happened) punishable by death, then charged this man under it (and punishing him accordingly), what type of law is this?
What is an ex-post facto law.
The Supreme Court of the United States declared that a law passed by the State of Alabama was unconstitutional. What process was the Supreme Court engaging in when it did this?
What is judicial review.
Why would a business person who wanted to sell tobacco in multiple states favor the Federalist party?
What is because the Federalists called for a stronger central government which could resolve trade disputes between the states.
The national capital of Germany is in Berlin, but their are other capitals in Bonn, Munich, and Frankfurt. What system of government, a key principle in American government, does Germany have?
What is a Federal system or Federalism.
If three groups strongly disagreed about an issue, but after some serious soul searching and negotiating, began to find some areas of agreement, what process were these groups using?
What is consensus building.
If the Federal government began regulating the Fat content in ice cream, what specific enumerated power would it likely claim that would allow the government to do this?
What is the Commerce Clause.
When the federal government built the interstate highway system, it claimed that the power to control interstate commerce gave it the ability to do so (constitutionally). What clause in the Constitution did the government use in its argument to justify the building of the interstate system.
What is the "Necessary and Proper" clause.
Many people (crackpots) consider John Hanson to be the first president of the United States. John Hanson presided over a unicameral congress where each state had one vote. What historical document provided for the government under which John Hanson served?
What is the Articles of Confederation.
If a state tried to nullify (get rid of) the Freedom of speech, what clause in the Constitution would not allow this?
What is the Supremacy clause.
If the United States government was taken over by a political party that tried to cancel elections and take over the military, but was thwarted by people who calmly protested, used the courts to sue, and then conducted elections despite the decree that they not take place, then those people firmly believed in what basic American principle?
What is Constitutionalism.