The president is the head of this branch of government.
a. executive
b. judicial
c. legislative
What branch of government makes laws?
What does "common good" mean?
Something that is good for or benefits everyone.
Which of the following public duties is required of all US citizens?
volunteering one's time
voting in elections
donating money
obeying the law
4. obeying the law
Our state Judicial Branch of government is also called...
The Georgia Supreme Court
Congress is the head of this branch of government.
a. executive
b. judicial
c. legislative
What branch of government decides if laws are fair?
What can you do to be a good US citizen?
obey rules and laws, help others, vote in elections, and be responsible for your own actions and how they affect others.
Which of the following activities represents working for the common good?
Answers Vary
Which job is part of the STATE level of executive government?
The governor
The supreme court is the head of this branch of government.
a. executive
b. judicial
c. legislative
What branch of government enforces the laws?
What means to follow local and national news in order to understand the most important issues in our world?
Staying informed
How can citizens privately show their opinions?
By voting
What branch of government is led by the mayor?
The executive branch of the local government
What does the term "separation of powers" mean?
The three branches of government are kept separate from each other.
Who is a member of the executive branch of our state government?
Why is it important to promote the common good?
It helps the whole community
Why is it important that citizens are informed before voting?
So they make wise choices.
What is the President in charge of?
Why are the three branches of government kept separate from each other?
To stop one branch from having all of the power.
You do not think a trial ended with a fair outcome. Which branch of government can review the trial?
The judicial branch
What do we call it when someone works to help others by giving their time and talents without receiving pay?
If someone wants to better their community by helping improve city resources, they might participate in which civic action?
contacting public officials
Match each level of government with the section they are in charge of.
Federal - all of the US
State - the state of Georgia
Local - the city of Griffin