Industrial Revolution
Civil War

This is where the Industrial Revolution started

Where is England?


This is the name of the mountain range on the east coast

What are The Appalachian Mountains?


This is the reason slaves were needed in the south

What is working in the fields picking cotton?


This is what Grant said to Lincoln at the end of the war

"Sir, you have aged 10 years over the past year."


These are other names for the Civil War

What is the War Between the States, and What is The Brothers War?


This is where you worked before factories and this is what it was called

What is a farm and what is a cottage industry you worked at from home?


This is how many states seceded from the Union

What is eleven states?


This is a book about a slave and this is who wrote it.

What is Uncle Tom's Cabin and who is Harriet Beecher Stowe?


This is who Lincoln debated

Who was Stephen Douglas?


This is the name of the north and this is the name of the south

What is The Union or United States of America for the north and what is the Confederate States of America for the south?


This is where they built factories and why

What is along a water way to use the power of the water?


These are what was in United States before they became "states"

What are territories?


This is what someone is called who is against slavery

What is an abolitionist?


This is how the south felt about Lincoln being elected and why

What is Lincoln being from the north which was against slavery and therefore would end slavery.


This is the general for the north and the general for the south

Who is Ulysses Grant for the north. Who is Robert E. Lee for the south?


This is the man who brought the spinning machine designs to America using his photographic memory and this is what would have happened to him if they found plans in his possession

Who was Slater the Traitor who would have been killed if he was caught with plans?


This is why whenever a state joined the Union, there had to be an even number

What is keeping things even in order to assure fairness in voting for issues?


This is where a slave went if they escaped, this is what they "traveled" on and this is the person who took them

Where is the north, what is the Underground Railroad, and who was Harriet Tubman?


This is his full name and what Lincoln did as an occupation before becoming president

Who was Abraham Lincoln and what is a lawyer


This is the place where the Civil War broke out in this state and this is who was in control of it.

What is Fort Sumter in South Carolina which was controlled by the Union.


This is the main energy source in England and obtaining it caused this problem for which the steam engine was built to help solve this problem

What is coal that created flooding in the mines and had to use a steam engine to pump the water out?


These are the economies of the north and the south. Even though the Civil War broke out over what seemed like the slavery issue which the north did not understand, this is really what was behind it.

What is factories in the north and agriculture in the south? What are states rights?


This is a law that was passed for slaves that escaped and this is what it did 

What was the Fugitive Slave Act that said slaves had to be returned to their owners?


This is the name of Lincoln's wife and this is how many sons they had

Who was Mary Todd Lincoln and how many is three sons?


This is the name of actor who played Lincoln in the movie and this is what people said he did to play that character

Who is Daniel Day Lewis and what is studying Lincoln so you could become him?