
Though it had many contributing causes, what event in 1929 led to the beginning of the worldwide Great Depression?

When the New York stock market crashed


As a result of overfarming, severe drought, and high winds, what geographical phenomenon formed in the Great Plains during the Great Depression?

The Dust Bowl (made the land almost uninhabitable - many moved out of it in the 1930s)


What name was given to the makeshift towns that sprang up in many American cities during the Great Depression that consisted of shacks made of wood, cardboard, or tin?



During the 1920s, as the American economy boomed, more and more Americans began purchasing consumer goods using what two payment methods?

credit and installment buying


The "Space Race" during the Cold War kicked off in 1957 when the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite into orbit around Earth.

What was the name of this satellite?

Sputnik 1


In the Cold War, during what event were there widespread fears concerning the perceived threat of the spread of communism in the United States?

The Second Red Scare


The United States government helped finance (pay for) World War II by doing what two things?

Selling war bonds (or liberty bonds) and collecting income taxes

In the 1970s, what "phase" did the Cold War enter that was characterized by an easing or relaxing of the tension between the United States and the Soviet Union?

d _____________

In what landmark 1954 case did the Supreme Court rule that segregated schools were unconstitutional?

Brown v Board of Education


Under what "plan" did the United States help the countries of Western Europe rebuild after World War II to help prevent the spread of communism there?

The Marshall Plan (also known as the European Recovery Act)


A major reason the United States became involved in Vietnam was the concern that if South Vietnam fell to communism, other nations in Southeast Asia would also become communist.

What was this idea or belief known as?

the domino theory


What happened to nearly 120,000 Japanese Americans living on the West coast during World War II?

They were sent to internment camps (authorities considered them to be a threat to national security)


Established towards the end of World War II, what organization was created to keep the peace through international cooperation?

The United Nations (UN)


Because it was one of the first times African-Americans organized on a large scale to protest segregation, what event is seen by many as being the start of the Civil Rights Movement?

The Montgomery Bus Boycott


What policy did the United States follow throughout the Cold War in an attempt to stop Soviet communism from spreading?



Considered a major victory for women's rights supporters, in what 1973 case did the Supreme Court rule that the federal government could not interfere with a woman's right to have an abortion?

Roe v Wade


Passed in 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act helped American workers by establishing what?

the minimum wage


Which figure best symbolized the efforts of working women to contribute to the war effort in the United States during World War II?

Rosie the Riveter


Considered one of the greatest achievements under the New Deal, what program was created in 1935 in an effort to provide a minimum retirement income for people and financial assistance for some disadvantaged groups in American society?

Social Security


What famous civil rights leader helped organize migrant farm workers in California into the United Farm Workers (UFW) union to try and gain better working conditions and more money?

Cesar Chavez


In effort to advance civil rights for African Americans, in 1948, United States President Harry Truman issued an executive order that did what?

integrated, or desegregated, the United States military

What name was given to the talks held between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1970s that revolved around efforts to reduce the number of nuclear weapons each country had?

SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks - led directly to SALT 1 and SALT 2)


Please identify at least three (3) examples of non-violent tactics or strategies that were emphasized by leaders during the Civil Rights Movement.

freedom marches, sit-ins, boycotts, freedom rides, speeches

Passed in 1965, what landmark act eliminated literacy tests as a requirement to vote in federal elections?

The Voting Rights Act of 1965


Which United States Senator became influential in the 1950s by claiming that high ranking members of the State Department and the United States Army were communists?

Joseph McCarthy