Global pandemic that killed millions worldwide
Book written by Upton Sinclair that exposed the filth of the stockyards
The Jungle
Reform movement led by Carrie Nation and Frances Willard that sought to outlaw the manufacture and sale of alcohol
Areas of "new immigration"
Asia, Southern and Eastern Europe, the Caribbena
Nation freed by the U.S. in the Spanish American War
International organization created after World War I and dedicated to world peace
The League of Nations
Nickname to journalists who exposed political corruption, shady business practices, poverty
the 19th Amendment
Religion that was considered an outsider religion
Roman Catholicism
Document that stated that the U.S. would control and police the Caribbean waters
Roosevelt Corollary
Direct cause of U.S. entrance into World War I
The Zimmerman Note
Leader in the natural preservation of the land
John Muir
Walter Rauschenbusch
The nation that had a total ban on immigration in 1882
Queen who fought against U.S. colonization and the expansion of sugar plantations. She called for "Hawaii for Hawaiians"
Queen Liluokalani
Nickname given African-American 369th unit that held the record for fighting on the front for 191 consecutive days
Harlem Hellfighters
Results of The Jungle
Better consumer protection with the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act
Tragic fire in New York City that led to the call of the need for reform and safety in the workplace
the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Case that exemplified American fears of anarchy
Sacco and Vanzetti
Islands gained from Spain after the Spanish American War
Puerto Rico, Guan, the Philippines
Reason for U.S. rejection of the Treaty of Versailles
Fear of the potential loss of U.S. sovereignty with alliances in the League of Nations
Leader of the National Woman's Party who demanded the right to vote and pioneered the Equal Rights Amendment
Alice Paul
Founder of settlement house programs in Chicago that provided services to the people of the city such as kindergarten, and classes for parents, and helped to pass antisweatshop laws
Jane Addams
Movement that opposed immigration
One reason for the U.S. obtaining new colonial possessions
to train and "civilize" their nations