What was the first colony settled in North America?
Why did the colonists want to be free?
The King of England (Great Britain) was treating them poorly by making them pay high taxes.
Who was the first president of the United States?
George Washington
Who made the first American flag?
Betsy Ross
Where does the president live and work?
The White House
Why did the settlers of Jamestown come to North America?
To find gold and a waterway to Asia
What is the name of the first major event the colonies held to protest the high taxes?
Hint: They threw tea in the harbor.
The Boston Tea Party
This Founding Father was the 2nd president and the 1st to live in the White House.
John Adams
This figure gave advice to her husband, John Adams, to support women's rights.
Abigail Adams
What do the 13 stripes on the American flag represent?
the 13 original colonies
What holiday do we celebrate to remember the Natives helping the colonists get through their first winter?
What did the king do when the colonies sent him the Declaration of Independence?
Sent more soldiers to the colonies to fight
This Founding Father was the Ambassador to France during the American Revolutionary War.
Benjamin Franklin
True or False: Benjamin Franklin is known for making a clock out of wood and writing almanacs.
False: Benjamin BANNEKER made a clock out of wood and wrote almanacs.
Why is the Statue of Liberty green?
It is made out of copper.
Why was is difficult for the settlers to survive in North America?
Not everyone knew how to build their own homes or farm. They did not know which animals and plants were safe to eat or grow. They did not all know how to hunt.
How long did the Revolutionary War last?
7 years
This person is known for saying, "Give me liberty, or give me death!"
Patrick Henry
This figure saved important items during a fire in the White House.
Dolley Madison
This figure is known for being the first African American woman to write a book of poems.
Phillis Wheatley
What is one negative AND one positive effect that happened because of Natives and settlers interacting?
Positive: both were introduced to new foods, both were introduced to new animals
negative: Natives died from European diseases, Natives were enslaved,
What happened once the colonies won the Revolutionary War?
They became the United States of America.
Who wrote most of the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
Why were these historical figures not as popular as the Founding Father?
They were women or Black. Women and Black people were not treated equally, so they were not valued.
Who wrote the National Anthem?
Francis Scott Key