Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Potpourri (Random)

Excessive lending and consumerism, speculation in the stock market, farm crisis all led to this

What is the Great Depression?


Foreign policy of the US from the 1950s- 1990s; Led to creation of the Marshall Plan and involvement in Korea

What is containment?


Created to help migrant workers and farmers have better work conditions

What is UFW? (United Farm Workers)


Area of the country that grew in population in the 1970s due to better tax/business laws and more job opportunities

What is the Sunbelt?


Passed after 9/11 so US intelligence agencies could better communicate and improve security to combat terrorism

What is the Patriot Act?


Goal was to provide relief to citizens, create economic recovery, and provide support for the elderly

What is the New Deal?


The closest the US ever came to nuclear war during the Cold War

What is the Cuban Missile Crisis?


Programs created to help fight poverty in the U.S. in the 1960s/70s

What is the Great Society?


The US became involved in this conflict to push Iraqi troops out of Kuwait

What is the Persian Gulf War?


This group opposed the creation of a standing army, believing it threatened liberty

Who are the Anti-Federalists?


After the attack on Pearl Harbor an executive order sent Japanese Americans here

What are internment camps?


USSR acquired this, making them a superpower and leading to an arms race in the Cold War 

What is an atomic bomb?


Law that eliminated immigration quotas leading to more diversity from Asia, Africa, and Central/South America to the US

What is the Immigration Act of 1965?


Concern over the dangers of pesticides led to the creation of this government agency

What is the EPA? (Environmental Protection Agency)


Launching of this led to the start of the space race and led to a push for improved science education in the US

What is Sputnik?


New Deal program that put young men to work planting trees and working in National Forests

What is the CCC? (Civilian Conservation Corps)


The Second Red Scare occurred during the 1950s and is often called a nickname after this US Senator who held hearings to interrogate suspected communists

Who is Joseph McCarthy?(McCarthyism)


This was supported by NOW but failed to pass and become a part of the Constitution

What is the ERA? (Equal Rights Amendment)


This trade agreement between the US, Canada, and Mexico was passed during the Clinton Administration 

What is NAFTA? (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)


Passed during the Obama presidency its goal was to provide cheaper healthcare for more people

What is the ACA? (Affordable Care Act or Obamacare)


Agreement between FDR and Churchill to set war plans in which the US would aid Britain and begin to mobilize itself for war

What is the Atlantic Charter?


Asian country that became communist after a Civil War in the 1950s and contributed to America's fear of communism

What is China?


During the 1970s is economic condition impacted the country with high inflation and little growth

What is stagflation?


The easing of Cold War tensions in the 1970s under President Nixon

What is detente?


The Nine Power Treaty passed in 1922 was an example of this foreign policy

What is isolationism?