Exam Thoughts

As a result of President Andrew Jackson's policies, Native American Indians were

A. relocated to reservations in Mexico 

B. forcibly removed to areas west of the Mississippi River 

C. gradually allowed to return to their ancestral lands 

D. given United States citizenship  

B. forcibly removed to areas west of the Mississippi River


In which war was Manifest Destiny used to justify United States government actions? 

A. Revolutionary War 

B. Mexican War 

C. Civil War 

D. Vietnam War

B. Mexican War


Read the quotation below and answer the question that follows. “We are unanimously of opinion, that the law passed by the legislature of Maryland, imposing a tax on the Bank of the United States, is unconstitutional.” McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819 Which was one important outcome of this court decision? 

A. the principle of no taxation without representation 

B. the establishment of a federal government 

C. the strengthening of judicial review

D. the creation of a national bank

C. the strengthening of judicial review


17. Which statement best describes the economic differences between the North and South just prior to the Civil War? 

A. The Northern economy was primarily agricultural, while the Southern economy was based on manufacturing. 

B. Jobs on plantations attracted more European immigrants to the South than to the North. 

C. Transportation systems were more developed in the North than in the South. 

D. The Southern economy was more diversified than the Northern economy.

C. Transportation systems were more developed in the North than in the South.


For half a century after Lewis and Clark's expedition, the Great Plains aroused little interest in the young nation. The plains were too dry for agriculture, people said. They were barren, forever a wasteland at the center of the continent. These ideas began to change in the years leading up to the Civil War. As the railroads were built westward, Americans realized how wrong they had been about the plains. Settlers in Kansas found no desert, but millions of acres of fertile soil. Cattlemen saw an open range for millions of cattle, a land of opportunity larger than even the Lone Star State. Of course, the plains were already inhabited by buffalo and Indians. But these meant little to the newcomers. Civilization, they believed, demanded that both be swept away and the land turned to “useful” purposes. How this came about is one of the saddest chapters in our history. . . .According to this passage, analyze one positive and negative impact that changed people's opinions about the Great Plains?



The major purpose of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was to 

A. create a military alliance for the defense of North America 

B. guarantee democratic governments in Latin America 

C. secure new colonies in the Caribbean 

D. limit European influence in the Western Hemisphere

D. limit European influence in the Western Hemisphere


What was a major foreign policy goal of the United States during the first half of the 1800s? 

A. forming defense alliances with European nations 

B. establishing colonies in the Caribbean and Latin America 

C. maintaining neutrality while increasing foreign trade

D. continuing the transatlantic African slave trade

C. maintaining neutrality while increasing foreign trade


13. Between 1820 and 1850, Southern lawmakers consistently opposed protective tariffs because these tariffs 

A. increased the cost of imports

B. harmed American shipping 

C. decreased trade between the states 

D. weakened national security

A. increased the cost of imports


18. “Jackson Replaces Many Government Workers With His Supporters” “Jackson Vetoed Bank Recharter Bill for Political Reasons” “Jackson Refuses to Enforce Worcester v. Georgia Decision” Which conclusion about President Andrew Jackson is most consistent with these headlines? 

A. He allowed Congress to decide controversial issues. 

B. He expanded presidential powers

C. He demonstrated weakness in dealing with domestic issues. 

D. He relied on the Supreme Court to settle disputes.

B. He expanded presidential powers


In a response letter to John Holmes in April 1820 concerning the Missouri question, Thomas Jefferson wrote: This momentous question, like a fire bell in the night, awakened and filled me with terror. I considered it at once as the [death] knell of the Union . . . but this is a reprieve only, not a final sentence. A geographical line, coinciding with a marked principle, moral and political, once conceived and held up to the angry passions of men, will never be obliterated; and every new irritation will mark it deeper and deeper . . . the cession of that kind of property . . . would not cost me in a second thought, if . . . a general emancipation . . . could be elected . . . but, as it is, we have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other. Take a position on whether Jefferson believed that the Missouri Compromise was an elective resolution to the issue of territorial expansion. State your position and use one detail from the above letter as evidence to explain that position



The Indian Removal Act was written in the early 1800s. The government used this act to move American Indians to land in the West. Why was this movement of people known as the Trail of Tears? 

A. American Indians were forced from their land and many died on the long journey.

B. Many U.S. citizens did not agree with the government's decision to relocate American Indians. 

C. American Indians only lost half of their land, but still could not live, hunt, or farm on it. 

D. U.S. citizens knew that the American Indians would never get their land back from the government.

A. American Indians were forced from their land and many died on the long journey.


One reason abolitionists were unpopular with many Northerners was because the abolitionists 

A. favored the growth of slavery 

B. encouraged the annexation of Texas 

C. advocated views that increased tensions with the South 

D. supported the Fugitive Slave Law

C. advocated views that increased tensions with the South


14. What agricultural invention, designed to increase production, had the effect of increasing the number of slaves needed for labor in the Deep South? 

A. the wheat reaper 

B. the cotton gin

C. the steel plow 

D. the rice mill

B. the cotton gin


19. What was the primary reason that slavery became more widespread in the South than in the North? 

A. The abolitionist movement was based in the North. 

B. The textile industry was controlled by southern merchants. 

C. Opposition to slavery by the Anglican Church was stronger in the North. 

D. Geographic factors contributed to the growth of the southern plantation system.

D. Geographic factors contributed to the growth of the southern plantation system.


Explain how the two economic factors in the chart below contributed to sectional tension between the North and South in the decades before the Civil War. Use each factor to construct your explanation

Tariffs: supported protective tariffs (North) and  opposed protective tariffs  (South)

National Bank: favored a strong national bank (North) and opposed a national bank (South)

... EXTRA CREDIT - What did Ms. Cooper say happened in March of 1913?


“No man has a right to x the boundary of the march of a nation; no man has the right to say to his country: this far you should go and no further.” The author of this statement would most likely have supported the United States policy of 

A. containment 

B. manifest destiny

C. sectionalism 

D. isolationism

B. manifest destiny


Why did President Polk ask for a declaration of war against Mexico in 1846? 

A. Mexico made an alliance with Germany with a promise of returning Texas to Mexico. 

B. Rebel forces in Mexico took the U.S. Secretary of State hostage. 

C. The Mexican dictator overthrew the democratic government established in the 1830s. 

D. Mexican troops killed sixteen American soldiers in the Texas border dispute

D. Mexican troops killed sixteen American soldiers in the Texas border dispute


15. Which of the following issues was central to the Nullification Crisis of 1832-1833? 

A. due process 

B. laissez faire 

C. states' rights

D. women's rights

C. states' rights


20. Which reform movement is most closely associated with William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, and Harriet Beecher Stowe? 

A. Abolition 

B. Progressive 

C. Labor 

D. Populist

A. Abolition


1. Policy of Open Immigration

2. Abundant food supply

3. Available natural resources

4. Government policies that support business

Which title is most appropriate for this list?

A. Rise of Labor Unions 

B. Innovations and Technology 

C. Vertical Integration of Business 

D. Factors Contributing to Industrialization  

D. Factors Contributing to Industrialization  


5. The primary goal of manifest destiny was the 

A. abolition of slavery in territories held by the United States 

B. removal of European influence from South America 

C. expansion of the United States westward to the Pacific Ocean

D. secession of the Southern States from the Union

C. expansion of the United States westward to the Pacific Ocean


The cartoon above, depicting President Andrew Jackson, was published in 1833. The cartoon reflects the opinion that President Jackson was

A. not qualified to be president. 

B. unable to make important decisions. 

C. abusing the power of the presidency.

D. overly influenced by European political ideas

C. abusing the power of the presidency.


16. During the period from 1800 to 1865, the issues of States rights, the tariff and slavery led most directly to the growth of 

A. imperialism 

B. sectionalism

C. national unity 

D. industrialization

B. sectionalism


22. Political rights for women grew most rapidly on the western frontier primarily because 

A. The settlers were influenced by Native American Indian societies 

B. Women greatly outnumbered men in the West 

C. Pioneer life often required men and women to share responsibilities equally 

D. Immigrants settling in the West brought ideals of gender equality from Europe

C. Pioneer life often required men and women to share responsibilities equally


1790 -Samuel Slater introduces water-powered spinning machine

1813 - First Factory in U.S. built in Waltham, Massachusetts

1822 - First industrial center built at Lowell, Massachusetts

The timeline above represents development in the production of 

A. oil 

B. glassware 

C. steel 

D. textiles

D. textiles