Gain 100 take 200 points from any team if you answer correctly.
He was the general of the 7th cavalry and killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
General Custer
Take 400 points away from any team if you answer correctly.
In the 1800's and 1900's the US became an imperial nation. Name 5 countries the US gained during this time.
Puerto Rico, Guam, Cuba, Hawaii, the Philippines
Take 100 points from any team if you answer correctly.
Which president annexed Hawaii?
William McKinley
Teddy Rosevelt
Grover Cleveland
William McKinley
Gain 300 and take away 300 if correct.
He was the Spanish general in Cuba that ordered the farmers and villagers into "reconcentration camps", causing thousands to die.
General Weyler
Take 200 points from any team if you answer correctly.
Give two reasons why the people of Cuba wanted to be independent of Spain.
High taxes, no representation in the government, Spanish in Cuba controlled most of the land
He was a holy man and war chief of the Lakota Sioux.
Sitting Bull
Daily Double
The purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867 was known as...
Seward Folly or Seward's Icebox
Gain 200 and take away 200 points from any team if you answer correctly.
He is the president of Russia that invaded the Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin
He was a British navigator that claimed Australia for England and made contact with the Hawaiians. He was boiled after being killed after a conflict with the native Hawaiians.
Capitan James Cook
These were the supernatural spirits or ancestral spirits of the Tainos.
He was sent to Japan with warships to intimidate the isolated nation to trade with the US.
Commodore Matthew Perry
President McKinley sent this to Cuba after the people revolted against Spain.
USS Maine
He was the president of the US when Alaska was purchased.
Andrew Johnson
Daily Double
They were white Hawaiians that forced the king to sign a constitution which took away the voting rights of native Hawaiians.
The Hawaiian League
Give 5 modern day words that come from the Tainos.
Canoe, Tobacco, Potato, Hurricane, Barbeque
She was the first and last queen of Hawaii.
What are the 3 reasons for imperialism?
Economic, Military, Cultural
Daily Double
He is the president of Ukraine and leading his people in a fight for independence.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy
He was a Taino and chief that fought against the Spanish in Cuba. He was eventually captured and burned alive.
They were the native people of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, the Bahamas and Jamaica.
The Tainos
He was the first king of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Kamehameha the Great
What is the message in this political cartoon?
The US wanted to be involved in China and used the Philippines as a stepping stone to that goal.
These are the 4 presidents on Mount Rushmore.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln
He was the first governor of the Territory of Hawaii after it was annexed by the United States. His family own a major food company today.
Sanford B. Dole
How did the Polynesians navigate the Pacific without modern technology?
Star Compass, Clouds, Sun, Birds, Fish