The United States issued the Open Door policy (1899–1900) primarily to 1. bring democratic government to the Chinese people 2. secure equal trade opportunities in China 3. force China to change its immigration policies 4. use China as a stepping stone to trade with Japan
The main reason the United States implemented the Open Door policy in China was to 1. promote immigration 2. expand democratic reforms 3. encourage religious freedom 4. guarantee access to markets
During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, United States policy toward Latin America was most strongly characterized by 1. friendship and trust 2. intervention and paternalism 3. tolerance and humanitarianism 4. indifference and neglect
President Theodore Roosevelt’s policies toward Latin America were evidence of his belief in 1. noninvolvement in world affairs 2. intervention when American business interests were threatened 3. the sovereign rights of all nations 4. the need for European interference in the Western Hemisphere
In 1823, the Monroe Doctrine was established mainly because the United States wanted to 1. keep control of Alaska and Hawaii 2. establish more colonies in Latin America 3. support England’s attempt to keep its empire in Central America 4. warn Europe against any further colonization in Latin America
News organizations were engaging in yellow journalism before the Spanish-American War when 1. publishers tried to prevent the war 2. articles about Cuba were fair and balanced 3. editors exaggerated events to build support for war 4. writers ignored the situation in Cuba
Which United States foreign policy was most directly related to the rise of big business in the late 1800s? 1. containment 2. imperialism 3. détente 4. neutrality
United States annexation of the Philippines (1898) and military involvement in Vietnam (1960’s and 1970’s) are similar because in each event the United States That is incorrect. Please try again. 1. achieved its long-range foreign policy objectives 2. put the domino theory into action 3. demonstrated the strength and success of its military power 4. provoked domestic debate about its involvement in the internal affairs of other nations
The main reason the United States developed the Open Door policy was to 1. allow the United States to expand its trade with China 2. demonstrate the positive features of democracy to Chinese leaders 3. aid the Chinese Nationalists in their struggle with the Chinese Communists 4. encourage Chinese workers to come to the United States
The Monroe Doctrine declared that the United States would 1. prevent the establishment of new European colonies anywhere in the world 2. help colonies in North and South America adopt a democratic form of government 3. view European interference in the Americas as a threat to the national interest of the United States 4. prevent other nations from trading with South American nations
Which factor is most closely associated with the decision of the United States to declare war on Spain in 1898? 1. isolationist policy 2. labor union pressure 3. yellow journalism 4. unrestricted submarine warfare
During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, United States intervention in Latin America was motivated by the United States desire to 1. protect its growing investments in Latin America 2. encourage Latin American trade with Europe 3. end Latin American independence movements 4. reduce the influence of communism in Latin America
Which foreign policy position was held by both President James Monroe and President Theodore Roosevelt? 1. Trade with other nations should be sharply reduced. 2. The United States should follow a policy of isolationism. 3. A special relationship should exist between the United States and the nations of Latin America. 4. The United States should send troops to aid revolutionary movements in European nations
Early in the 20th century, Presidents William Taft and Woodrow Wilson used the concept of dollar diplomacy to 1. help European nations avoid war 2. expand United States influence in China 3. protect United States investments in Latin America 4. support welfare programs for immigrants to the United States
The Monroe Doctrine declared that the United States would 1. prevent the establishment of new European colonies anywhere in the world 2. help colonies in North and South America adopt a democratic form of government 3. view European interference in the Americas as a threat to the national interest of the United States 4. prevent other nations from trading with South American nations
Yellow journalists created support for the Spanish-American War by writing articles about the 1. political popularity of William Jennings Bryan 2. efforts of the United States to control Mexico 3. destruction of United States sugar plantations by Hawaiians 4. sinking of the United States battleship Maine in Havana Harbor
Which argument was used to support United States acquisition of overseas possessions in the late 1800’s? 1. The United States needed to obtain raw materials and new markets. 2. The spread of Marxist ideas had to be stopped because they threatened world peace. 3. The United States should be the first world power to build a colonial empire. 4. The doctrine of Manifest Destiny had become
Involvement in the Spanish-American War, acquisition of Hawaii, and introduction of the Open Door policy in China were actions taken by the United States Government to 1. establish military alliances with other nations 2. gain overseas markets and sources of raw materials 3. begin the policy of manifest destiny 4. support isolationist forces in Congress
From 1900 to 1915, a basic aim of United States foreign policy was to 1. develop close economic ties with African nations 2. oppose revolutionary movements in western Europe 3. promote United States influence in Latin America 4. prevent the spread of communism in western Europe and Asia
The Republican Presidents of the 1920’s generally followed a foreign policy based on 1. collective security 2. brinkmanship 3. noninvolvement 4. militarism
Which United States policy is most closely associated with the annexation of Hawaii and the Philippines? 1. neutrality 2. isolationism 3. imperialism 4. international cooperation
The principle that the United States has the right to act as the "policeman of the Western Hemisphere" and intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American nations was established by the 1. Good Neighbor policy 2. Open Door policy 3. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine 4. Marshall Plan
Throughout United States history, the most important aim of the country’s foreign policy has been 1. participation in international organizations 2. advancement of national self-interest 3. containment of communism 4. development of military alliances
Why did the United States formulate the Open Door policy toward China? 1. to develop democratic institutions and practices in China 2. to prevent a European and Japanese monopoly of Chinese trade and markets 3. to establish a military presence on the Chinese mainland 4. to support Japanese efforts to industrialize China
Which statement best describes President Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy position toward Latin America in the early 1900’s? 1. The United States should reduce its involvement in Latin American affairs. 2. The Monroe Doctrine permits the United States to intervene actively in the affairs of Latin American nations. 3. Latin American nations should form an organization to help them achieve political and economic stability. 4. The United States should give large amounts of financial aid to help the poor of Latin Amenca.