The capital of the United States.
What is Washington, DC?
The holiday Thanksgiving is in this month.
What is November?
The leader of the United States is the _______.
Who is the President?
Danielle lives in this state.
(bonus 100 points if you know the city she lives in)
What is Maryland? What is Frederick, Maryland (bonus 100 pts)?
Students have this for 30 minutes
What is lunch?
This state is bigger than France.
What is Texas? What is Alaska?
The number of stars and the number of stripes on the flag of the United States.
What is 50 stars and 13 stripes?
The number of states in the USA.
What is 50?
One state that borders Maryland.
What is Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, or West Virginia?
A language that is commonly spoken in the US that is NOT English.
What is Spanish?
The largest state in the United States.
What is Alaska?
*Texas is the biggest state in the contiguous US (connected to other states)
The day that the United States declared independence from Great Britain.
What is July 4th?
The current leader of the United States.
Who is Donald Trump?
What university did Danielle attend in Maryland?
What is the University of Maryland?
This vacation is two to three months.
What is summer vacation?
Chicago is in this state.
What is Illinois?
The year that slavery was abolished in the United States.
What is 1865?
The youngest state in the USA.
What is Hawai'i?
(Hawai'i became a state in June of 1959)
This seafood is popular in Maryland.
What are blue crabs?
This is used to measure temperature in the United States.
What is Fahrenheit?
The smallest state in the United States.
What is Rhode Island?
The first capital of the United States, from 1787 to 1790.
What is New York City?
The five major overseas territories of the United States.
(100 points for each correct answer)
What are (1) Puerto Rico, (2) Guam, (3) American Samoa, (4) Northern Mariana Islands, and (5) the US Virgin Islands?
Maryland is in this region of the United States.
What is Mid-Atlantic region?
Students recite this every morning at school.
What is the pledge of allegiance?