Dress for Success

What are the five major parts of a resume?

What is Content Information, Summary/Objective, Skills, Experience, and Education


This video demonstrates 3 styles to dress for an interview 

What is 

Business Formal

Business Casual

Smart Casual 


Purposes for an Interview are:

What is 

Present Yourself

Demonstrates your qualifications

Make a positive impression on potential employer


The section of the resume that gives a brief statement that gives an overview of your qualifications.

What is Objective


Dress for Success leaves a __________ and _________ impression during the interview

What is Positive and Professional


What are the two things you should before an interview?

What is 

Research the company

Prepare for common interview questions


Section ________ discusses relevant responsibilities and achievements from your current and previous employment or volunteer work?

What is Experience


Dress for Success also includes:

What is Grooming/Hygiene

Hair Neat (avoid any excessive hairstyle)

Clean and trim Nails

Avoid Excessive Perfume/Cologne

Dental Hygiene

Make up Minimal


What can you do to reduce or eliminate fear/stress and increase self-confidence during an interview?

What is Preparing in advance


The Don't List of a Resume is What?

What is 

Don't include anything confidential

Don't Have More Than 2 pages

Don't Include References

Don't Use More Than 2 Fonts


Smart Casual dress style includes?

What is Neutral colors blouse and pants and no blue jeans?


Can you name 5 reasons you may be denied a job?

What is Late to the interview; Lack of enthusiasm/interest; Condemnation of past employers; No purpose or career goals; Unwilling to start at the bottom-expecting too much; Over-emphasis on money; failure to ask any questions about the company; and  vague answers to questions


Building Resume Bullet Points Uses _______ Method

What is the WHO Method

W = WHAT did you do (tasks/projects) 

H = HOW did you do the work (skills, strategies, methods, tools, strategies) 

O = OUTCOMES associated with the work (results, contribution, intention, scope) HOW Insert the words "by" or "using" to help generate how OUTCOME Insert the words "to" for help generating outcome(s) 


What is the #1 question you may be asked in an  interview?

What is Tell Me About Yourself