What country do the Nolan's come from?
What city was known for having the largest meatpacking industry in the world?
What does Carpe Diem mean?
Seize the day
What is George and Lennie's dream
Own their own ranch
Give an example of a simile.
What happens to the family when they arrive in America?
They are split up
What is an apostrophe? (Not the punctuation)
A line or verse in a poem directly addressed to someone or something.
What is the difference between East and West Egg?
East = Old money
West = New money
Who wants to join in on George and Lennie's dream?
What kind of traits are given to animals or objects when using personification?
What is the major real event in the story that influences worker's rights?
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
What act was passed in response to the publication of The Jungle?
Pure Food and Drug Act
What is the term for the illegal sale of alcohol?
What is the reason why George and Lennie had to leave their old job? What really happened?
Lennie inappropriately touches a woman who accuses him of sexual assault. Lennie only grabbed her dress.
What does it mean to use hyperbole when writing?
To exaggerate
According to a naturalistic writer, how is someone in control of their fate?
They are not in control of what happens to them
What is an example of dramatic irony in Story of an Hour?
How does Gatsby die and who kills him?
He is shot, George Wilson
Give an example of foreshadowing in the story.
What is the definition of juxtaposition?
Act of placing two things together to highlight their differences.
Explain how a character from the book relates to one of the course themes, AND give an example to why they do.
Rose - American Dream, Gender Roles
Describe the meaning of this quote that relates to the Jungle, “I aimed at the public’s heart and by accident I hit it in the stomach.”
Sinclair's intention for the novel was to highlight the struggles of working immigrants, but it ended up resulting in less consumption of meat
Who drives the yellow car TO New York?
Who drives the yellow car home FROM New York?
Who does George Wilson think is driving the car?
Tom, Daisy, Tom
Explain how George and Lennie are different from the other guys at the ranch.
They look after each other.
Situational - opposite of what you expect to happen
Dramatic - Audience knows something characters do not.
Verbal - saying something you don't really mean (sarcasm)