tfw you did a murder
Category #3 (of 5)
Ooph. My bad. That's on me.
Wild Card

I mean, sure, I did a murder, but I did it because the witches said I should; does that really make me a _____________ person?

malevolent (adj.): spiteful, showing ill will; sinister


Okay, you go left, I'll go right, and then we'll ____________ on the target in the middle, and tickle them until they wet their pants.

converge (v.): to move toward one point, approach nearer together


Oh, you're _____________, are you? Then what am I thinking right now?

omniscient (adj.): all-knowing


If you don't want people to think you are ____________ with racists and Nazis, then you probably shouldn't go to a rally where people are waving Confederate flags and wearing swastikas. Just a thought.

affiliated (adj., part.): associated, connected

"When shall we meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain?"

"When the _____-_____'s done, When the battle's last and won."



My wife keeps insisting that I should murder my boss and so I'm starting to suspect that she might not be the most ____________ person. 

scrupulous (adj.): exact, careful; having high moral standards, principled


Um, you know this villain calls himself "Dr. Fireproof" because he is _____________ to fire, right? So, why exactly did you bring a flamethrower, again?

invulnerable (adj.): not able to be wounded or hurt


We probably ought to encourage this crowd to ____________ before that piano falls out the window up there and lands on everyone.

disperse (v.): scatter; spread far and wide


Somehow managing to get the "what's your favorite ice cream flavor" bonus question on the exam wrong did not do wonders for my self-__________.

esteem (n.): a highly favorable opinion or judgement

Would you rather be omniscient or invulnerable? And why?

Sounds reasonable to me!


I hoped to ___________ in the shadows, unseen by my next victims, but then they turned the lights on and saw me crouched there all weird-like with my knife and totally interrupted my chance to do murder.

skulk (v.): to move about stealthily; to lie in hiding


Why are you dilly-dallying? We only have a ____________ amount of time to find the bomb before it explodes?

finite (adj.): limited; lasting only for a limited amount of time


Telling me that you need more time to work on your essay "because the butterflies led the way to the orange smoke of the seaside" is not exactly a _____________ request.

cogent (adj.): forceful, convincing, relevant, to the point


If you want to get rid of the garlic smell in your room, you should probably ___________ all that garlic from your room.

Expunge (v.): erase, obliterate, destroy; remove completely


"[Life] is a tale told by an idiot, full of ________ & ________, signifying nothing."

--Macbeth (also, the title of a William Faulkner novel)

Sound & Fury


All my husband had to do was act  _____________ and no one would know he did the murder, but being the wimp he is, he had to act all crazy and guilty.

nonchalant (adj.): cool and confident; unconcerned


If we are going to avenge the death of our king, we must first ____________ who is actually responsible for it.

ascertain (v.): to find out


The student committed herself to high academic _____________ throughout high school, and so got to attend the college of her choice.

attainment (n.): accomplishment; the act of achieving


I see now how it could have sounded ______________ when I said, "I should be able to do whatever I want because I am better than other people."

supercilious (adj.): proud and contemptuous; showing scorn because of a feeling of superiority


Repeat after me.

"After me."


I felt really bad about killing my king, so I tried to find a cure for his stab wounds, but it turns out there is no such thing as a ____________; some wounds can't be cured.

panacea (n.): a remedy for all ills; a cure-all


The old man realized that his children and grandchildren were all nincompoops, so he decided to ____________ all of his fortune to various charities. 

bequeath (v.): to give or pass on as an inheritance


I wasn't sure if I could trust the witch; on the one hand, she was a witch, but on the other hand, she bore an ___________ resemblance to my sister.

uncanny (adj.): strange, weird, mysterious; both familiar and unfamiliar at once


Sorry. I laughed because I thought it would be a pretty ____________ offense when I threw that dumbbell on your foot; I didn't realize that it would break your toes.

venial (adj.): easily excused, pardonable


"Final" Jeopardy!

Each team may wager up to as many points as the leading team has. You must wager before seeing the question. 

Category: Vocabulary

Write a single sentence using five of our vocab words. Your sentence must be grammatically correct and your use of each word must make clear sense.

You will have 90 seconds to complete this task.