American Dreams
American Nightmares
Notable Quotables
What's in a Name?

In this famous poem, Walt Whitman praises the sounds of the various workers who all contribute to building America.

What is "I Hear America Singing"?


The dark and creepy setting in which to conjure the devil

What is the forest?


“I hope she'll be a fool -- that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.”

Who is Daisy?


This symbol reflects the narrator's feeling of confinement and her hope for freedom and equality.

What is a caged bird?


A flower with a yellow center and white petals

Who is Daisy?


With her unusual rhyme schemes and trademark dashes, this poet's work embodies the independence and unique voice of America. 

Who is Emily Dickinson?


In this character's railing against the "Guv'ment," he once again reveals his racist thoughts and hypocritical beliefs. 

Who is Pap?


"If growing up is painful for the Southern Black girl, being aware of her displacement is the rust on the razor that threatens the throat."

Who is Maya Angelou?


This represents the freedom and lack of constraints that Huck and Jim were seeking on their journey.

What is a raft?


Named after a British novelist, this steamboat sinking on the Mississippi symbolized the end of romanticism and the beginning of realism. 

What is the Walter Scott?


By moving into a tiny house on the shores of this pond, Thoreau hoped to live his version of the American Dream. 

What is Walden?


Through this noticeable accessory, Meyer Wolfsheim represents the underbelly of American society during the Roaring 20's. 

What are human molar cufflinks?


"Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name!"

Who is John Proctor?


Although it may originally have been meant to be bright and cheerful, this color of the wallpaper in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's story symbolizes illness and foul things.

What is yellow?


Although not based on her profession, her name demonstrates the care and concern she shows for the people of Salem.

Who is Rebecca Nurse?


This character's transformation and his recognition of the fallacy of witchcraft helps bring an end to the hysteria in the colonies. 

Who is Reverend Hale?


By setting his sights nightly on this elusive object rather than seeking the spirituality and solitude of nature, Gatsby corrupts the transcendental definition of the American Dream.

What is the green light?


"Our life is frittered away by detail... simplify, simplify." 

Who is Henry David Thoreau?


She suffers because of the racism inherent in Colonial America

Who is Tituba?


This word, a homonym for Jay's given surname, is a slang word for guns. 

What is a gats?


Disney animated this George Gershwin composition to show the success, personal fulfillment, hard work, and family values that make up the American Dream.

What is "Rhapsody in Blue"?


After Huck convinces Jim that he's only dreaming that they were separated because of this weather event, he humbles himself and apologizes for the prank that he pulled on his friend. 

What is fog?


"Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist." 

Who is Ralph Waldo Emerson?


This symbol looms over the novel suggesting the Godlessness of the 1920s.

What are the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg?


Like her name alludes to, she helps Maya grow after her trauma by cultivating a love of reading in her.

Who is Mrs. Flowers?