Modes of Discourse
Literary Devices
Literary Movements
Their writing style reflected the plain style of their lives- spare, simple, and straightforward, with a focus on the essentials of life, not on frivolities.
Who are the Puritans?
The Walam Olum is an example of this type of ancient story, generally involving immortal characters, that explain the mysteries of nature or the customs and religious rites of a people.
What is a myth?
This mode of discourse is writing that relates a story; the subject may be fictional or factual.
What is a narration?
"Make me, O Lord, Thy spinning wheel complete" is an example of this type of language that is not meant to be interpreted literally.
What is Figurative language?
America's revolution was successful, and the writing of logic and discipline dominated this "age."
What is the Age of Reason?
He wrote the Declaration of Independence.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
A person's account of his or her own life.
What is an autobiography?
This mode of discourse uses imagery by presenting the details of something through appeal to the senses.
What is Description?
"Hope is the thing with feathers" is this kind of comparison between two apparently different things.
What is a metaphor?
This literary movement favored imagination over reason and intuition over facts; nature and mystery were two of its favored subjects.
What is Romanticism?
This writer asserted that a story should contribute to "a certain unique or single effect."
Who is Edgar Allan Poe?
The characters in this type of story tend to be stereotypes or stock characters embodying a single human trait, quality, or emotion.
What is a folktale?
This mode of discourse uses logical patterns to inform or explain.
What is Exposition?
"He that lives upon hope will die fasting" is this kind of short, concise statement expressing a wise or clever observation or general truth.
What is an aphorism?
A sense of optimism and deep faith in human potential dominated this literary movement, founded by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
What is Transcendentalism?
This group of poets created verse that the average reader could understand and appreciate.
Who are the Fireside Poets?
These are folk songs that served as an important means of communication among black slaves.
What are spirituals?
This mode of discourse attempts to convince readers to adapt an opinion or act in a certain way.
What is Persuasion?
Words that have the same or almost the same meaning.
What are synonyms?
This literary movement is also called the "local color movement" because of its use of dialect and vivid descriptions of the landscape.
What is Regionalism?
"Success is counted sweetest" was written by this New England poet, who wrote at least 1,775 poems in her lifetime.
Who is Emily Dickinson?
The March sisters star in this American novel by Louisa May Alcott.
What is Little Women?
Of Plymouth Plantation is primarily this type of discourse because Bradford's main purpose was to tell about a series of events.
What is Narrative?
"The angry wind mercilessly pounded the walls" is an example of this literary device.
What is personification?
Writers of this movement focused on the limitations and potential destructiveness of the human spirit rather than on its possibilities.
What is Anti-Transcendentalism?