Whose Line Is It, Anyway?

He wrote the "History of Plymouth Plantation."

Who is William Bradford?


The first book published in America

What is the Bay Psalm Book?


The Puritans, with William Bradford arrived in this date.

What is 1620?


The last great Puritan

Who was Jonathan Edwards


The Puritans practiced one of these forms of government:




What is Theocracy?


“Being thus arrived in a good harbor, and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees and blessed the God of heaven who had brought them over the fast and furious ocean, and delivered them from all the perils and miseries thereof . . .”

Who is William Bradford (History of Plymouth Plantation)?


Puritan literature does NOT include one of these:

Historical narratives

Revolutionary tracts



What is revolutionary tracts?


This was the theme and purpose of all Puritan literature

What is to glorify God? What is to teach men to glorify and obey God?


Jonathan Edwards's life spanned from these dates:

  1. 1559 - 1637

  2. 1620 - 1675

  3. 1703 - 1758 

What is 1703-1758?


This Indian had been to England

Who is Squanto?


The theology of the first Puritans was:




What is Calvinist?


“To the evil of monarchy we have added that of hereditary succession; and as the first is a degradation and lessening of ourselves, so the second, claimed as a matter of right, is an insult and an imposition on posterity. For all men being originally equals, no one by birth could have a right to set up his own family in perpetual preference to all others forever.”

Who is Thomas Paine (Common Sense)?


A viewpoint that includes: 

Belief in Providence

Belief in the depravity of man (original sin)

Man is accountable to his Creator

Absolute standards

What is Theism?


The most famous Puritan sermon

What is "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"?


In 1736, Franklin established this volunteer organization

What is a Fire Company?


This Puritan author wrote "Before the Birth of One of her Children" and "To my Dear and Loving Husband."

Alice Petke, Common Thoughts in 1675

Ellen Williams, Women’s Lyrical Ballads in 1698

Anne Bradstreet, The Tenth Muse Sprung Lately in America (1662)

Martha Rowlee, American Poetic Thoughts (1650)


Theistic authors accept authority from:

  1. Science

  2. The Bible

  3. Man’s reasoning

  4. God

What is The Bible and God?


“For day and night, in their despite, [6]

Their torment’s smoke ascendeth,

Their pain and grief have no relief,

Their anguish never endeth.

There must they lie and never die,

Though dying every day;

There must they dying ever lie,

And not consume away.”

Who is Michael Wigglesworth, "The Day of Doom"?


This Puritan document refers to America as a "City on a hill."

What is the Arabella Covenant?


Deistic features in literature (1740s - 1820) include (choose four):

  1. Emphasis on Reason

  2. Reliance upon science

  3. Rejection of the miraculous

  4. Accept the authority of the Bible

  5. Green concept: exaltation of Nature

  6. Clockwork universe: God made it, then stepped back

What is 

Emphasis on Reason; 

Reliance upon science; 

rejection of the miraculous; and 

clockwork universe: God made it, then stepped back


The events of April 19, 1775

What is the Battle of Lexington and Concord, which began the Revolutionary War for Independence?


Phillis Wheatley:

  1. Advocated women's suffrage (voting rights)

  2. Was a slave and a Christian poet

  3. Wrote medical textbooks

What is was a slave and Christian poet? (Syllabus )


With the advent of pre-Revolutionary literature:

  1. Britain convinced Puritans to become atheists

  2. Puritans wrote tracts against Reason

  3. The Puritan worldview gave way to the "Yankee" worldview

What is "The Puritan worldview gave way to the 'Yankee' worldview"?


“I had a variety of concerns and exercises about my soul from my childhood; but had two more remarkable seasons of awakening, before I met with that change by which I was brought to those new dispositions, and that new sense of things, that I have since had.  The first time was when I was a boy, some years before I went to college, at a time of remarkable awakening in my father’s congregation.”

Who is Jonathan Edwards (Personal Narrative)?


He authored The Arabella Covenant

Who is John Winthrop?


Benjamin Franklin's secret reading club

What is the Junto?


This inflammatory pamphlet was published in 1776

What is the date of Common Sense?

Famous men of the Great Awakening:

1. Jonathan Edwards

2. Benjamin Franklin

3. William Bradford

4.George Whitefield

Who were Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield?


Deistic authors accept authority from (choose 2):

  1. Science

  2. The Bible

  3. Man’s reasoning

  4. God 

What is science and man's reasoning?


“It was about this time I conceiv'd the bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection.  I wish'd to live without committing any fault at any time; I would conquer all that either natural inclination, custom, or company might lead me into.  As I knew, or thought I knew, what was right and wrong, I did not see why I might not always do the one and avoid the other.  But I soon found I had undertaken a task of more difficulty than I had imagined.”

Who is Benjamin Franklin (Autobiography)?


The concept of Manifest Destiny is found in this document.

What is the Arabella Covenant?


Deistic authors (choose four):

  1. Anne Bradstreet

  2. William Bradford

  3. Mark Akenside

  4. Benjamin Franklin

  5. Thomas Paine

  6. Michael Wigglesworth

  7. Thomas Jefferson 

  8. Ralph Waldo Emerson

  9. Henry David Thoreau 

Who are Mark Akenside; Benjamin Franklin; Thomas Paine; and Thomas Jefferson?


In this movement of 1730s and 1740s, Americans began to turn back to God with a new religious fervor.

What is the Great Awakening?


This Deist was brought to America by Benjamin Franklin

Who was Tomas Paine?


Two terms that refer to the Age of Reason:

  1. The Enlightenment

  2. The Victorian Age

  3. Neo-Classical

What are The Enlightenment and Neo-Classical?

“The morning being come, they prepared to go on their way.  One of the Indians got up upon a horse, and they set me up behind him, with my poor sick babe in my lap.  A very wearisome and tedious day I had of it; what with my own wound, and my child’s being so exceeding sick, and in a lamentable condition with her wound.”

Who is Mary Rowlandson (Captivity Narrative)?