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Are you Arguing With Me or just "Splainin"

A technique used by writers such as Patrick Henry and Sojourner Truth which suggests that their arguments make the answer obvious or self-evident. These questions do not require a reply.

What is a rhetorical question?

A character in the story who speaks directly to us and uses I
What is First Person Point of View?

Do this on the articles and stories you read, and you will improve your odds of getting the right answer.

What is annotate? Or What is create a guiding question? or What is paraphrase each paragraph as you go?

What do the "R" and "A" stand for in a RACE paragraph?
What is Restate the question and Answer the question?

DOUBLE TROUBLE 1. This should be the last sentence of your introduction and state your position for your argument. 2. This is the last sentence in your introduction of your informational/Explanatory essay.

1. What is a Claim? 2. What is a Thesis? Award double points if answered both correctly.


A writer's attitude toward his subject, communicated through diction, choice of details, or direct statements of his or her position. It reflects the feelings of the writer.

What is tone?

The author uses descriptive or sensory language to show the reader the events not just tell them.
What is imagery?
This is a good test taking strategy and should be done before you start to read the article or story?
What is preview the questions?
The technique you should use on the EOC to respond to a Constructed Response question?
What is RACE?
The minimum amount of text evidence you should put in each paragraph to support your point.
What is Two or Three? If there are two text, make sure you use evidence from both text in your response!
Used to create an emotional response from the audience to strengthen an argument.
What is Pathos?
The audience or reader knows information that the characters do not know.
What is dramatic irony?
When looking at the the word choice between Lil' Wayne and a Biology text book, we are analyzing...
What is diction?
When writing an Extended Response Narrative, this should always be in your story.
What is dialogue?

When you acknowledge the opponents strongest argument and then briefly explain why it is not a good argument.

What is a counterclaim? Make sure you put one in an argument essay to boost your score! Either in first body paragraph or the last body paragraph.

The use of similar grammatical constructions to express ideas that are related. An examples is seen in Whitman's poem "I Hear America Singing" as he uses the gerund phrases: I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear, Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong, The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam, The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work,
What is parallelism?
"Small yellow creatures bob like dandelions in the field," is an example of the use of what literary device.
What is a Simile?
When looking at the emotional meaning of a word over the dictionary meaning is
What is connotation?
DAILY DOUBLE!!! Hint hint! The Letter "C" in RACE stands for this.
What is Citing Evidence and Explain it?
I need three Rhetorical devices a writer might use to construct a strong argument.
What is: Rhetorical questions, Ethos, Pathos, Logos, Juxtaposition, Allusion, Repetition, Parallel Structure
Making a reference to something biblical, mythical, historical, or literary to help the audience connect to the message.
What is allusion?
A lengthy comparison between two unlike things without using the words like or as.
What is an extended metaphor?
Besides dialogue a strong narrative should also have. (name at least 2 things) Double points if you can name 4!
What is...(accept any two) One or more Points of view, flashback, imagery, strong precise language figurative language, setting, sensory details(imagery), chronological order, narrator
This is the minimum number of sentences your EOC Constructed Response answer should contain.
What 7-10 sentences?
A strong essay will have these to connect ideas within each body paragraph.
What are internal transition words? Please take a copy of good transition words you can use. Memorize 3 or 4 you will use in your essay!