Rhetorical Situations
Literary Time Periods
Of Mice and Men
The Great Gatsby

This rhetorical appeal deals with the absolute logic of an argument, often dealing with stats, statistics, or "if then" arguments.

What is logos?


This subset of another American Literature period focused on the individual experiences of people both returning from war, as well as those in Harlem struggling with their identities.

What is "The Lost Generation?"


This is the name of the time period in which this piece of literature occurs.

What is the Dust Bowl?


This great American author died from alcoholism as someone who was relatively unknown.

Who is F. Scott Fitzgerald?


This author could be considered a Post-Modernist, with the bleak idea that what was occurring during the reign of McCarthyism was much like the Salem Witch Trials.

Who is Arthur Miller?


Which rhetorical appeal is used in the following statement? 

"I want you to imagine a world without bees - there are no flowers, the landscape gray, and life as we know it... extinct. Pretty bleak, right?" 

What is Pathos? 


This literary time period had authors such as John Steinbeck, as well as T.S. Eliot (with his famous poem, "Mending Wall") communicating the futility of the American dream. 

What is the Modernist Era?


In Of Mice and Men, what event foreshadows Lennie's death at the end of the novel?

What is Candy's dog being shot by Slim?


This is what the characters of Daisy, Tom, Gatsby, Jordan, and Nick all have in common. 

What is that they're all from the Middle West?


This president spoke up following the nation's banking crisis during the Great Depression, insisting that Americans trust in his "New Deal" program. 

Who is F.D.R.?

(Franklin Delano Roosevelt) 

In the acronym SOAPSTone, what does the second "S" stand for? 

What is the "Subject?"


This late literary time period included authors like Alice Walker, Khaled Hosseini, as well as James Baldwin.

What is Globalist Literature?


This poem, published in 1785 by Scottish author Robert Burns served as the inspiration for the title of Of Mice and Men.

What is "To a Mouse?" 


How are the characters of Daisy and Tom alike? 

They are careless - 

They don't take responsibility for their actions.


The Great Gatsby and Of Mice and Men take place approximately this many years apart from one another.

What is about 12 years (+/- 3 accepted).

In order, these single word "parts of persuasion" are represented by ethos, pathos and logos.

What are "speaker," "audience," and "argument?"


This generation would likely be portrayed by the following piece of literature:

Haiku (Birds Singing) (1956) 

Jack Kerouac

Birds singing
in the dark
—Rainy dawn.

What is the Beat Generation?


Judged against these, used as a standard in Texas capital punishment rulings since 2012, it is unlikely that Lennie would have survived in court, despite his intellectual disability.

What are the Briseño Factors?


Who is the first individual to discover Curley's wife's corpse?

Who is Candy?


This is the name that many Californians used to reference the many people traveling across the country to perform farm work in the state, often used as a "slur." 

What is "Okie?"


This author published a pamphlet titled Southern Horrors after a shocking uptick in lynchings throughout the south, mainly written to Blacks to stir them into resistance and action.

Who is Ida B. Wells?


This generation would likely be portrayed by the following piece of literature: 

Nothing Gold Can Stay (1924)

Robert Frost

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.

What is the Modernist Generation?


These are the individuals that speak to Lennie by the pond following the manslaughter of Curley's Wife.

Who are Aunt Clara, A Giant Rabbit, and George Milton?


This short story was written while Fitzgerald was awaiting the publication of The Great Gatsby, and it carries many of the same characters/themes.

What is "The Rich Boy?"


This Modernist Poem, written by T.S. Eliot, tells of a man who hesitated too much in life and now finds that life has passed him by, leaving him unfulfilled and dying.

What is the "Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock?"