The poems of William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound, and Wallace Stevens ("Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird") fall into this movement, which sought clarity of expression through the description of precise images.
What is imagism?
A member of the modernist movement, this author was born in Mississippi, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, and wrote "A Rose for Emily".
Who is (William) Faulkner?
Seen here:
"Fresh flowers flourish fully."
What is alliteration?
In "Young Goodman Brown" this is the color of Faith's hair ribbons.
What is pink?
When teaching what a "grotesque" is, Mr. Keeley showed a clip from this 2004 deadpan comedy film.
What is "Napoleon Dynamite"?
This literary "-ism" held that the individual was the center of their experience and that Nature had the power to transform the individual. Examples include "Young Goodman Brown" and the painting "Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog".
What is (Dark) Romanticism?
A key influence in the American Civil Rights Movement, this author left America to live in France after being disillusioned by the slow movement of progress. They counted Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Medgar Evars among their friends, not to mention, their brother "Sonny".
Who is (James) Baldwin?
A poem or song expressing sadness, grief or sorrow. (I'll take any of the three answers).
What is lament, dirge, or elegy?
In "Sonny's Blues", the narrator's and Sonny's dad dies this way.
In the clip from "The Office", the employees at Dunder-Mifflin try to get Phyllis to say a number of cliches about rain. In doing so, they actually make sure she does NOT say them all. What is the term for this?
What is situational irony?
This literary "-ism" focuses on "local color". Setting plays an important part in depicting how landscape, history, and values shape the character of a region. Dialect is important to this style of writing.
What is regionalism?
The descendant to a judge in the Salem Witch Trials, this author wrote about the tarnished legacy of the Puritans in such Gothic stories as "Young Goodman Brown" and "The Minister's Black Veil."
Who is (Nathaniel) Hawthorne?
A pause in the middle of a line of poetry caused by punctuation. For example:
"Then there's a pair of us -- don't tell!"
What is caesura?
The Misfit in "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" has two henchmen. Name ONE of them.
Who is Hiram and Bobby Lee?
In the video about dialect in which two men standing in a snowy driveway talk about a strange encounter with a "funny lookin'" guy... what is the name of the movie that clip came from?
What is "Fargo"?
Not taking place "right now", this literary "-ism" responds to the devastation of WWI. It's main mantra was "make it new!" and it prioritized experimenting with form in order to create new types of art.
What is Modernism?
This Is Just to Say: A doctor by day, poet by night, this author wrote poems like "Spring and All" and "In the Crowd at a Ballgame" to try to show everyday events and moments from different perspectives.
Who is (William Carlos) Williams?
An iamb is a poetic foot that follows the pattern "unstressed STRESSED." What is the poetic foot called that goes "STRESSED unstressed"?
What is a trochee?
In Kate Chopin's "The Storm", Bibi and Bobinot surprise Calixta by bringing her this from the grocery store.
What is a can of shrimps?
In the video with the artist playing the guitar, he plays a medley of songs. What is the name of the song he covers by the band Led Zeppelin?
What is "Kashmir"?
This literary "-ism", to which we can include Walt Whitman and Ralph Waldo Emerson, believed in the power of the individual, in self-reliance, in the magic and beauty of nature, and that the individual soul was superior to society.
What is Transcendentalism?
One of the only female authors we have read, this woman from St. Louis, MO, wrote about the unfair expectations placed around women and their roles in society in "The Storm" and "The Story of an Hour".
Who is (Kate) Chopin?
Writing a phrase and then mirroring it in a AB BA style. For example, "Beauty is truth, truth beauty."
What is chiasmus?
In "The Story of an Hour", what is the last name of the main character?
What is (Mrs.) Mallard?
An episode from "The Twilight Zone", we watched this short film as an example of Dark Romanticism, based on the short story by Ambrose Bierce.
What is "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"?