Literary Terms
Literary Terms
Time Periods
Grammar/Writing Mechanics
The repetitive use of the same letter at the beginning of multiple words in a sentence. Example: Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore.
What is alliteration?
A comparison of two unlike things using 'like' or 'as'.
What is a simile?
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber (a)door. / “’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber (b)door— (a) and (b) demonstrate this. *Remember: / represents a line break*
What is end rhyme?
Writers from this time period, including Jonathan Edwards, William Bradford, and Anne Bradstreet, share religious enlightenment and provide a history of the time.
What is Puritanism?
The use of the same grammatical form when writing a series or list. Example: Alice ran into the room, into the garden, and into our hearts.
What is parallelism/parallel structure?
A figure of speech in which humanlike qualities are assigned to animals, things, or ideas.
What is personification?
This is an artifact, document, recording, or other source that was created at the time under study.
What is a primary source?
Ah, distinctly I (a)remember it was in the bleak (b)December;
What is internal rhyme?
Most of the literature from this time period has been passed down through oral storytelling, as there was no written language.
What is Native American/Early American literature?
This is the first thing that will be listed in a citation for a source on a Works Cited page.
What is author's last name?
An extreme exaggeration that is not meant to be taken literally.
What is hyperbole?
The author uses figurative or descriptive language to create a mental picture of the scene in the reader's head.
What is imagery?
The repetition of similar vowel sounds within a line of poetry. Example: Men sell the wedding bells.
What is assonance?
Literature from this time period focused on everyday, low-middle class characters and often featured common speech.
What is Realism?
Is the following sentence correct, or is there an error? Sugar and flour is needed for the recipe.
What is Sugar and flour are needed for the recipe?
A thing in literature that represents or stands for something else.
What is a symbol?
This is the highest or most intense part of the story on a plot structure diagram.
What is the climax?
The repetition of consonant sounds in a line of poetry. Example: He stood on the road and cried.
What is consonance?
The literary and philosophical movement of _________ is associated with writers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau.
What is Transcendentalism?
This appears in the parenthetical citations within an MLA formatted paper.
What is author's last name and page number?
A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a deeper meaning (usually political).
What is an allegory?
The process by which a character's personality traits are revealed through the way he or she acts, dresses, and/or speaks.
What is indirect characterization?
(a)Startled at the (b)stillness broken by reply (c)so aptly (d)spoken,
What is alliteration?
___________ followed the Revolutionary Period and is characterized by a rise in creativity and the exploration of fantastical subject matter.
What is Romanticism?
This word should not be hyphenated. 1) off-campus apartment 2)co-star 3)back-pack 4)ex-wife
What is backpack?