Prose or Poetry
of Poetry
of Poems
More Examples of Poems
Patterns in Poetry
(Do you know
what this means?)
Stuff I dislike
(Because hate is
a strong word)
How Poems Are
Put Together

Divisions are called stanzas.

Prose or poetry?

Answer: What is poetry?


A story is told about societies, cultures, and heroes.

(Choose one: Lyric, Narrative, or Dramatic Poetry)

Answer: What is NARRATIVE Poetry?


A funny poem with a rhyme scheme of aabba. Exactly five lines. 

Answer: What is a LIMERICK? (Formula Poem)

The first line usually has the name of a place (often a fictional name made up to rhyme with the rest of the poem). (Lear #34)


A Japanese poem, often about nature, containing three unrhymed lines. 

Line 1: 5 syllables

Line 2: 7 syllables

Line 3: 5 syllables

Answer: What is a HAIKU? (Formula Poem)


Pattern made by how poem rhymes at the END of a line. Letters are assigned to each line according to the end rhyme.

Answer: What is RHYME SCHEME?

(PRACTICE: Shelley slide #20-#22)


Words that imitate sounds.

Answer: What is ONOMATOPOEIA?


Emphasis given to a syllable or word shown by a small mark above a stressed syllable.

Answer: What is an ACCENT?


Lines of poetry that form a division in the poem.

Answer: What is a STANZA?


It can be rhymed or unrhymed.

Prose or Poetry?

Answer: What is Poetry?

(How is this different than prose?)

Prose: No rhyme. No pattern/rhythm

Poetry: Rhymed OR unrhymed. Follows a beat/has rhythm.

Mayes slide 1


Written in verse and is usually meant to be recited. It tells a story or describes an event in a dramatic and interesting way.

(Choose one: Lyric, Narrative, or Dramatic Poetry)

Answer: What is DRAMATIC Poetry?


This really isn't a poem at all. Actually, it's the opposite of poetry.

Answer: What is PROSE?

Prose is the opposite of poetry and in paragraph form.


This type of poem must...

1)consist of 14 lines. The first 12 lines are broken down into four quatrains. the last two lines are a couplet.

2)be written in iambic pentameter (duh-DUH-duh-DUH-duh-DUH-duh-DUH-duh-DUH)

3)be written using a standard rhyme scheme. The rhyme scheme of a Shakespearean one, for example, is abab/cdcd/efef/gg

Answer: What is a SONNET? (Formula Poem)

(Shelley slides #41-#44)



1) A poem rhymes at the ENDS of lines.

2)A rhyme between a word within a line and another word either at the end of the same line or within another line.

1)What is END RHYME?



Words are NOT meant to be taken word for word.

Answer: What is an IDIOM?


Syllables stand out because they have a different pitch or are louder than other syllables.

Answer: What are STRESSED syllables?


A pair of lines that are the same length and usually rhyme.

Answer: What is a COUPLET?



There is no line division.

Prose or Poetry?

Answer: What is Prose?

(What does line division mean?)

Sometimes the short poems are the hardest to write. 

Change one word and the whole poem avocados.


Deals with emotions and is written in a song-like way.

(Choose one: Lyric, Narrative, or Dramatic Poetry)

Answer: What is LYRIC Poetry?


Poems that MUST follow certain guidelines (and, most of the time, a certain rhyme scheme) to be classified as a particular kind of poem.

Answer: What is FORMULA POETRY?

Examples: "I am" poem, Cinquain, Limerick, Concrete, Clerihew, Haiku, and Sonnet


A personal poem all about you.

Answer: What is an "I am" poem?


Repetition of the same sounds at the beginning of words in a poem.

(Example: My mom made my Monday more magnificent.)

Answer: What is Alliteration?


The idea or feeling of a word separate from its literal meaning.

(Pretty and beautiful have similar meanings, but beautiful has a stronger feeling.)

Answer: What is CONNOTATION?


Arrangement of a line of poetry by the rhythm of stressed and unstressed syllables.

Answer: What is METER?


Emotion or feelings an author felt or want their audience to feel while reading their poem (aka mood).

Answer: What is TONE?


It uses images to focus on a particular idea.

It targets emotions through the use of images.

Prose or Poetry?

Answer: What is poetry?

(Can prose also use images? emotions?)


ODES and SONNETS are examples of this classification of poetry.

Answer: What is Lyric poetry?


These poems are RULE BREAKERS. They do not have rhyme or rhythm - BUT - they are still an artistic expression.

Answer: What are FREE VERSE poems (NO RULES!)

They are sometimes thought to be a modern form of poetry; but, the free verse types of poem have been around for hundreds of years.


A poem based on the spacing of words. The pattern of the letters illustrates the meaning of the poem. It does not have to rhyme and can be of any length.

Answer: What is CONCRETE poetry?


Repetition of CONSONANTS in a line - NOT at the beginning.

(Example: Sue was passing Art class.)

Answer: What is CONSONANCE? 

(PRACTICE: Shelley slide #17)


Two words describing diction. (Remember diction refers to the word choice or language used by the author.) 

The first word refers to a way of speaking that one would speak naturally day to day.

The second word refers to when a person speaks properly and has a complex demeanor. They will sound very wise and use a wide range of vocabulary.

("What's up?" vs. "How do you do?")

Answer: What is INFORMAL diction and FORMAL diction?


Unit of poetry consisting of two syllables with the first syllable being unstressed and the second syllable being stressed.

Answer: What is an IAMB?


One of these words means to be taken word for word. 

The other word means an expression, (such as an idiom, onomatopoeia, or alliteration), used to create memorable poems.

Answer: What are LITERAL and FIGURATIVE?


Is this selection a better example of prose or of poetry?

What is prose? 

(What makes the two selections different?)


Epic poems and ballads are two examples of this classification of poetry.

Answer: What is Narrative Poetry?

(Epic poem: very long, may cover years of events. Ballads were often set to music.)


A five-line poem in which each line requires a certain number of syllables. Each line adds an additional image to the subject of the poem.

Answer: What is a CINQUAIN? (Formula Poetry)


This type of poem has the following rules:

1)They are four lines long.

2)The first and second lines rhyme with each other, and the third and fourth lines rhyme with each other. In other words, they have a rhyme scheme of aabb.

3)The first line names a person, and the second line ends with something that rhymes with the name of the person.

4)It should be funny.

(You don't have to worry about counting syllables or words. You don't even have to worry about rhythm.)

Answer: What is a CLERIHEW poem? (Formula poem)


Repetition of the same sounds in a line.

Answer: What is ASSONANCE?

(PRACTICE: Shelley slide #18-#19)


Continuation of a complete thought/idea from one line to the next.

Answer: What is ENJAMBMENT?


A line of poetry that consists of five iambs.

(Go forth/ and be/ a brave/ and hap/ py child.)



A stanza or short poem consisting of FOUR lines.

Answer: What is a QUATRAIN?